
Man of La Mancha Friends Homework
Celebrities Links

June 2nd, 2000
I must apologize: I haven't updated this site in forever and ever. It's because of that gosh darned musical that I put on, which ended up being a smashing success! Updates to this site are now in effect and are as follows: (1) I had to get rid of the MIDIs, because they took up too much room. I moved them to my other site (the official GHS Man of La Mancha website) and added a couple more, so just click on the M.o.L.M. icon above to be magically whisked away to the site. (2) I have deleted the Man of La Mancha portion of this website, since the bigger and better version is available on the official site. (3) I've added the long-awaited sound effects section, which is now making my size almost completely full. No graphic link yet, but it's available at www.geocities.com/cinnabar_red/sounds.html (4) In the celebrities section, I changed the Juan Chioran link to his official site, instead of the Stratford festival website (thanks to Dena!)

Well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoy the site, and mark my words: one day I will actually come up with a design and a purpose for it.

March 2nd, 2000
Okay, so much for January's promise of a brand new website! I tried my best and it wasn't good enough. Unfortunately, I've been so busy doing things like getting ready for MusicFest competitions (I joined the senior band as a percussionist!!), studying for my Advanced Placement exam, and preparing material for musical theatre class that I haven't even seen my site in about 2 and a half weeks!
So, as of right now, I've vowed to myself to make this site bigger and better! The first thing that I've done is modified the Man of La Mancha section: I changed the format of the first page and added a counter, updated the cast/crew/production/orchestra listings and biggest of all, I've finally gotten around to adding training MIDIs for the performers! So far, there are only 4 songs available (3 with lyrics):

I hope that you enjoy the MIDIs, which I slaved over for hours on end!

January 31st, 2000
Well, I'm finally finished exams. Yuck. I'm not really in any mood to do anything with regards to my website right now, because I'm too busy being depressed over my crappy marks and my retarded guidance counsellor.. but I won't get into it. I have decided, because of visiting NielleWorld, that my site needs some more creativity. Even though Nielle made her stuff all in text as opposed to my wonderful graphics, she's left me far behind in regards to the content aspect. I've really got to get cracking on that stuff.
Be that as it may, we have finally started the musical.. Woohoo!! I can't tell you how much I've been waiting for this semester. Check in with the musical (Man of La Mancha) section in the upcoming little while, because there'll be updates almost daily.. hopefully. People are actually going to get pics taken and will write descriptions of themselves, so I'll be able to post those things. Plus, I'll add a production team section for the directors, producer, publicity people, crew manager, AV team, etc., which will include photos and such. The gallery will actually contain pics of people that I know, involved in various activities relating to the musical. Stay tuned! Ooooh, I can't wait for us to start real rehearsals!!!

January 24th, 2000
Hooray! I'm almost finished exams! And you know what that means.. website overhaul! Now that the celebrity section of the site is completely up and running (pics, links and all), I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I've decided to actually go ahead and revamp the whole index page, because I'm sick and tired of people not getting the whole gist of Mab's and my insanity and telling me that the site is freakish. STEP OFF, YOU HOSERS!! Nothing gets my goat more than morons.
So, I'm searching through my clipart and stuff, searching for a new look. Although I still need to learn how to do that whole site-mapping thing, I'm hoping that my second version of the site will be up by the beginning of February. Don't hold me to my word though, people! I'm still torn between making it professional or personal. Check back here in a week or so! Thanks for coming!

January 12th, 2000
Happy new year to one and all! Now that I'm getting down to crunch time at school (ie: exams), I won't really have much time to edit anything. Tonight, since I actually had a few free moments, I decided to add the puny little celebrities page.. all text.. gasp! Bear with me while I attempt to find time to actually search for pics of the people.
Anyways, I hope that you enjoy this page, even though it's disgustingly tacky. Don't blame me for that, blame Mab.. it was his idea, really. Maybe someday I'll colour-coordinate this darn website, but until then, content yourself with the swirling, cloud-covered luncheon meat that is SUPAH-SITE! =)

December 30th, 1999
As promised, here is the first version of my website! I've been working tirelessly now for about three days learning HTML and making graphics and such to bring you this masterpiece in the works! I've been obsessing over this darn page for a long time, and it has been a constant source of agony.. I've had the page for about 4 months, and this is the first time I actually had the time to do anything with it.
I now have four of the five sections up and running, something which I'm quite proud of. Although this site won't win any awards for content just yet, I'm working on it. As of yet, I'm still amassing stuff from school and my friends which will be used later on on this site.
The Man of La Mancha section deals with the musical that I'm co-directing this year at our school, and since we're still in pre-rehearsal time, I don't have much info on the performers yet. The Friends section deals with (surprise!) my friends and the activities that I participate in. Whee. The Homework section deals with the essays and assignments that I've done well on in my classes this year, including philosophy, english, writer's craft, and modern western civilizations. The Celebrities section (which is still inactive) will have stuff on the Hollywoodites which I consider talented/gorgeous/just plain cool. The Links section has to do with the sites of my friends and other sites which I find seriously fun or useful. Enjoy and stay tuned for more action!

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