Fiona Wiggins
Welcome to the home page for Fiona Wiggins. I am a member of the SCA in the Kingdom of Drachenwald which is a historical recreation group. My primary interest is in the hats and headwear of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries although I have investigated many other areas.
Hats and headwear-
Flemish Linen Caps
Horned Cauls
Truncated Hennins Skeletons of Medieval Hats
Spices, herbs and plants-
The uses of rue in the middle ages Medieval insect repellents
Medieval hair dyes
Garb projects
Royal Fighter Tabbards
15th century complete outfit
Appendix for Marzipan Castle
Marzipan Castle
Other odd research projects......
Medieval and Renaissance eyeglasses
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