It's a small world after all... when you're Cindy part II

My husband and I rent an old (circa 1700's) farmhouse out in the country. The doorways are very narrow (about 30 inches wide). I, by force of habit, generally turn to the side when walking through the doorways. As you can see if I go through them head on with my hands at my sides, it's a bit tight.

We have one of those nifty little futon sofa's. About the only person who can sit on it without fear of getting stuck is my husband. The thing practically sits on the floor and as you can see from the pic, it isn't very wide either. Actually I do sit in it from time to time and I can get out of it by myself, but of course I accept Mr.G's help whenever he offers it :o). Sitting on it is doable, lying on it... well, see for yourself.

One definate drawback to being my size is that it's (in most cases) impossible to take a nice, long, hot bath :o(. I really miss that. The owner of our house just loves old things and chose an old clawfoot tub as her bathing apparatus. It is charming, I suppose, but it is extremely narrow. I can't even take a shower facing the shower head. I have to stand sideways in the tub :o(. I would kill for a great big, wide tub. Oh well, perhaps when we get our own house. Until then I'm stuck with this :o(

Part III I plan to do outside, so it will have to wait until it warms up a bit here in the baystate.

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