It's a small world after all... when you're Cindy

In this section I hope to accomplish two things. One, answering the many requests for these pictures and also demonstrate how this world is not made with anyone of size in mind.

I didn't feel comfortable going to public places and trying to fit into some of the non-fat friendly seating and then having my husband take pictures, but I was able to find some seating deficiencies in settings were I didn't mind taking pictures.

I have found that most hotel rooms do not offer size friendly chairs. Eating while sitting up on a bed isn't easy and it can be frustrating. It would be nice to be able to sit in a chair comfortably and enjoy a meal at the table. As these pictures show, no one can accuse me of not trying :o).

This pic was a former pic of the week. It was taken in a hotel room in Massachusetts.

....and a Virginian hotel

Of course we have made our home as fat-friendly as we can. We recently purchased a new, sturdy sofa, my desk chair is made of cast iron and we have some pretty sturdy lawn furniture. We do need to get better kitchen chairs though. Our current ones do not have arms, but the seat at the widest point is only about 15 inches across. They aren't the sturdiest things either. I don't usually sit on them. I generally drag my desk chair into the kitchen as needed.

See what I mean?

On the other hand, one of my favorite, most comfy, seats we have is a small metal stool (which actually belongs to the owner of our house). It's well padded and exceptionally secure. I feel very safe on it. I even use it at the kitchen table from time to time.

That's it for now. I'll bring you the next part as soon as I can.

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