You are visitor number                     since October 16th, 2000.
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I love you...
      wider than the skies,
      higher than the moon,
      brighter than the stars,
      deeper than the ocean...
Me, Myself & Cyn - UPDATED
Deep, Dark, Scary Poems (by me!)
The Ones I Love (my crew)
For A Good Time Call...
Angels in Disguise
Quotes & Deep Ponderings
The Cynthia Page
My Recorded Desperations (Journal)
"One day you look at a person, and you see more than you did the night before, like a switch has been flicked somewhere, and the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can imagine yourself with..."
to the World of Cyn
~The Map of My Lair~
sin (Cyn?): Noun
1. A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate. 2. Theology a. Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God. b. A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience. 3. Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.
This is my wish for you:
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Faith so that you can believe,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
Love to complete your life.
Cyn the Sexpert
Ever wonder why there's a cyn in cynical? It's sure as hell not by coincidence!
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