Books of Shadows
Magical Properties of Herbs


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rosa species

Tru Wings
Mother Tree, protection, love, emotional healing,
warding, grounding, fairies blessing babies.

Humanity's love affair with the rose dates back
5,000 years to Sumerian times.
In the 16th century, colonists brought the rose
to North America, making it the longest cultivated
European plant in this country.
Roses are the ultimate symbols of love.

The wild roses provide a safe bower
for the fairies, and for baby rabbits.
Wild roses carry the strongest rose energy
for healing and love, and the petals are used
by fairy godmothers to bless newborn babies.

Tree Hugging is a way to get in contact with a tree you wish
to gain knowledge from.
Edain McCoy, in her book, Advanced Witchcraft, suggests steps
to take if you wish to try it.
Greet the tree and assure it you mean it no harm.
Bring a gift, and if you feel the tree is nervous,
leave the gift and try again another day.
Once you gain permission from the tree, try pressing
your forehead, the psychic chakra center
known as the third eye, to its trunk.
Wrap your arms around the tree and place your palms flat against it.
Take a few moments to feel the tree and allow it to feel you.
Trees are individuals and you may get different answers
from different trees of the same species.
Record your experiences and you will find favorite trees
you will want to go back to as friends.

Tree hugging was out of the question in this case,
so to find the Native and naturalized wild rose's attributes and uses
for sacred ritual, we did a trance to the rose bush.
There were five of us in the trance.
We stated our intention, created sacred space
with a Multiflora Rose branch wand, had dried pink
rose petals and hips on the table and rose perfume, and put
on a trance drumming CD.
Following are our insights into the Wild Rose.

Several of us felt the grounding influence of the wild rose:
she grows roots out of every part of her that touches the ground
(especially useful if you are grounding while sitting or lying down).

A guardian and protector, the wild rose feels an affinity
to small animals, rabbits in particular, and birds.

She is a mothering tree, protective, patient, nourishing
(body and soul) and healing (physically and emotionally).
She represents unconditional love, wishing,
hope, tolerance, openness, honesty
(maybe even painfully honest!), and community.
The rose bush of one of us wanted a hug, others
gave us hugs. Just like a mother!

Another aspect of the rose might be a parent's concern
for their child, or children. Mothers often
have eyes in the back of their heads,
hence finding and protection for a lost or wayward offspring.
Rose also reminds us of the negative aspects of being a mother
(clinging, sharp, she is everywhere/makes sure
to know everything/you can't get away from her),
so be mindful of that when
planning rituals involving specific people.

But what about the thorns?
Don't rub a rose the wrong way!
It is true that the rose protects,
but does so by banishing and warding.
Rose is a fierce protector.

Sacred Holidays of the Rose: Imbolc, Beltane and Samhain
and especially the life passages that a mother would
be involved in: weddings, births, first blood, croning, funerals.

Special Thanks
Monday, January 31, 2005


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