Books of Shadows
Magical Properties of Herbs


Daddodils and Tulips

(narcissus spp.)
Caution Poisonous
Folk Names: Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly, Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Lent Lily, Narcissus, Porillon
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Fertility, Luck

Magical Uses: The flower is placed on the alter during love spells, or is carried for this purpose.
     Placed in the bedroom, the fresh flowers increase fertility.
     If a daffodil is plucked and worn next to the heart, good luck shall surely come your way.

Special Thanks

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

'Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly'...

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