Captain Video's Holder Pics

Welcome to Captain Video's Holder Page. If you're not interested in sexy women who use cigarette holders, boy did you come to the wrong place!

Due to circumstances beyond my control at the moment. The original Capt Video's Holder Pics is unmodifiable. Locked out by some weird cockup. Here's how it goes. I had the Paris/Bistro address for the original page through Geocities and my username was captvideo. I had cigholder at Yahoo!. When Geocities and Yahoo! merged, and there was already a captvideo at Yahoo!, I had to become captvideo_2000 to access the website. Okay, so far, so good. Then, I started getting messages that I had a brand new website to open as Now I know why. Because access to the website through my account had changed. I'll work on it, but what the heck, this is closer to a free domain name. Easier to type in and remember. Ya think?

The original page is at

The full size picture this time is the full size picture of the original scan I did. It's from a greeting card. Caught my eye when I saw it. Never gave it to anybody. Gee, I wonder why .

Under construction, as always. If you find any broken links, please report which page and which picture so I can fix them. The old page ended at Page 23, this new site begins at 24. Most pictures are gleaned from the newsgroup alt.smokers.glamour, and others are contributed by email and some I find in other newsgroups.

If you use your real email and you want contributions credited under a different nick, make sure you mention it! Just remember that there's a ban on nudity on Geocities and that there's a 500KB attachment limit.


Current Background Picture

NEW! Page 24 - December 4, 2000

Holder Links - Updated December 10, 2000

Binaries Decoding Help

email for comments or contributions



Visitors since December 4, 2000

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