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[Cover Drawings] Paideuma

  • 1:1 (Spring/Summer 1972)
  • 2:1 (Spring 1973)
  • 2:3 (Winter 1973)
  • 4:1 (Summer 1975)
  • 6:3 (Winter 1977)
  • 11:2 (Spring/Summer 1982) a reprint of the cover for 1:1

"Scripta Zukofskii Elogia" Paideuma [Orono, ME: University of Maine] 7:3 (Winter 1978) 394-399.

Essay with 36 numbered paragraphs.


"The Real Lucifer" Paideuma 8:2 (Fall 1979) 335-336. Essay.

Footnote: "Guy D. is not responsible for this title.   It was contrived by the Mgr. Ed. for purposes of indexing. CFT" [Carroll F. Terrell, editor, Paideuma]

GD corrects and expands on a gloss of EP's "when Lucifer fell in N. Carolina" (LXXIV, l. 21) which Canto  opens with "The enormous tragedy of the dream in the peasant's bent shoulders ...." A type of Lucifer is one who with education or riches has the potential to be "a bearer of light" but instead becomes a "force of darkness". 


"The Wooden Dove of Archytas" Parenthèse (Spring 1975) 41-47.


"The Invention of Photography in Toledo" Parenthèse 3 (1976) 141-149.



"Zukofsky's 'A-24 '" Parnassus 2:2 (Spring/Summer 1974) 15-23.

  • Louis Zukofsky, A-24

"Ives the Master" Parnassus 3:2 (Spring/Summer 1976) 251-259.

  • David Woolbridge, From the Steeples and Mountains: A Study of Charles Ives

"In Gloom On Watch-House Point" Parnassus 4:2 (Spring/Summer 1976) 251-259.

  • Charles Olson, The Maximus Poems:  Volume Three.   Ed. Charles Boer and George Butterick
"Walt Whitman an American" Parnassus 5:1 (Fall/Winter 1976) 35-48.


"At Marathon" [poem] Parnassus 5:2 (Spring/Summer 1977) 17.
  • Poem -- re-published in GD's Thasos & Ohio (1984)



"Satyr and Transcendentalist" Parnassus 8:2 (Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter 1980) 43-50. Review.

  • E. E. Cummings, XAIPE
  • E. E. Cummings, Tulips & Chimneys
  • E. E. Cummings, W(VIVA)
  • E. E. Cummings, No Thanks
  • Richard Kennedy, Dreams in the Mirror: A Biography of E. E. Cummings

[Cover Drawing] Parnassus 10:1 (Spring/Summer 1982). Tenth Anniversary Issue.

Issue includes review by Charles Rowan Beye of:

  • Eclogues
  • The Geography of the Imagination.
"The Ringdove Sign" Parnassus 14:1 (1985)


"Archaic Ode" Pearl 12 (Summer-Fall 1991) 10-11

"K'iao yen [Karlgren 198]"  (at the beginning of the poem).

"From the Chinese classic anthology (Shi ching) translated by Guy Davenport" (note following the poem)

Edited by Birgit Stephenson, Lars Rasmussen, and Gregory Stephenson.

Published by The Book Trader, Skindergade 23, DK -- 1159 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

This translation was republished as part of the story "The Concord Sonata" in A Table of Green Fields (NY: New Directions, 1993) at pp. 82-83.  This "Chinese" ode as Davenport calls it in the 'Acknowledgements' section of A Table of Green Fields (verso title page) appears as the voice of Meng Tse sings "one of the most archaic of the odes".

There are slight textual variations, in three of the poem's twelve stanzas, between the Pearl version and that in "The Concord Sonata":

Pearl Concord Sonata

1st stanza


The design is outside the world.
We are its children, its orphans.
Cicadas shrill in the willows



The world's order is in the stars.
We are its children, its orphans.
Cicadas shrill in the willows.


2nd stanza


It is not any fault of ours
that has brought us to this. It is
disorder. We were born to it.



It is not fault, it is not guilt
that has brought us to this. It is
disorder. We were not born to it.


11th stanza


The young lord's trees are tender green.
Sapling's grow to be useful wood.
Hollow words are a passing wind.



The young lord's trees are tender green.
Sapling's grow to be useful wood.
Hollow words are the wind blowing.


Swedish sinologist and philologist Bernhard Karlgren (1889-1978) has translated the Shih Jing in his The Book of Odes (Stockholm:  Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1950). 

Chinese text with translation by Scottish sinologist James Legge (1815-1897) is available at: < http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/chinese/shijing/AnoShih.html >



"The Nuclear Venus:  Dr. Williams' Attack Upon Usura" Perspective 6:4
(Autumn/Winter 1953) 183-190.


"Spinoza"s Tulips:  A Commentary on 'The Comedian as the Letter C'" Perspective 7:3 (Autumn 1954) 147-154.

Essay on Wallace Stevens's long poem, 'The Comedian as the Letter C'



"The Symbol of the Archaic" Perspectives on Contemporary Literature [Louisville, KY: University of Louisville Department of English] 1:1 (1975) 31-52. Essay.

Previously published in Georgia Review 28:4 (1974) in a slightly different format.


"Archilochus:  A Sheaf of Poems and Fragments" Poetry 101:6 (March 1963) 404-409.

Translation from Greek.


"Four Modes of Translation" Poetry 107:4 (January 1966) 264-266. Review.

  • Richmond Lattimore, The Revelation of St. John
  • Kenneth Rexroth, Poems from the Greek Anthology
  • Robert Graves, ed., The Comedies of Terence
  • William Arrowsmith, The 'Satyricon' of Petronius

"From the Greek" Poetry 108:6 (September 1966) 416-419. Review.

  • Willis Barnstone, Greek Lyric Poetry
  • _____________ , Sappho: Lyrics in the Original Greek with Translations
  • Christopher Logue, Patrocleia of Homer: A New Version
"The Resurrection in Cookham Churchyard" Poetry 110:5 (August 1967) 321-327.



"The One-Word Fragments of Alkman" Poor.Old.Tired.Horse 22 [25?] (1967), one unnumbered page. Translation.

Ian Hamilton Finley's journal, published in Scotland.

"A Collation of Two Texts of 'The Cantos'" The Pound Newsletter 6 (April 1955) 5-13.

Textual and bibliographic documentation.






"Little Lake" Raft: A Journal of Armenian Poetry and Criticism [Cleveland, OH: Cleveland State University] 1 (1987) 47-53. Poem.

Translation from Armenian of 'Lijag' by Bedros Tourian (1851-1872) and Vahé Oshagan.


"Distant Relations: A Conjunction of Opposites" Review of Contemporary Fiction (Summer 1988) 238-240.

  • Carlos Fuentes, Distant Relations

Previously published with the title "The Novel: A Conjunction of Opposites" in the New York Times Book Review (March 21, 1982) 3, 26.

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