"Louis Zukofsky" Agenda 8:3,4 (1970) 130-137. Reviews.
- Louis Zukofsky, A 13-21
- Louis and Celia Zukofsky, Catullus (Gai Valeri Catulli Veronensis Liber).
"The Swan" Amanuensis [Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, Department of English] 1:2 (Fall 1971), 60. Poem. At head of poem: "(Translated from the French of Jean Cocteau)".
[Cover Drawing] Amanuensis 2:2 (Fall 1973) Front and rear.
[Untitled Review] American Literature 37 (March 1965 - January 1966), 88-89.
- L. S. Dembo, The Confucian Odes of Ezra Pound: A Critical Appraisal
[Untitled Review] American Literature 37 (May 1966) 263-264.
- Patricia Hutchins, Ezra Pound's Kensington: An Exploration 1885 - 1913
"Four Distinct Dialects Are Found in Anderson" Anderson Daily Mail (August 1954?). Essay. From GD's own Checklist ca. 1974. Crane cites as appearing in The Independent [Anderson, SC; ca. 1946] "Seen cropped without date." (Crane, H7)
"Finding" Antaeus 29 (Spring 1978) 61-69. Essay. "The Anthropology of Table Manners from Geophagy Onward," Antaeus 36 (Winter 1980) 136-143. Story "Balthus" Antaeus 39 (Autumn 1980) 80-89. Essay "Joop Zoetemelk Gagne Le Maillot Jaune; Het Erewhonisch Schetboek: Messidor and Thermidor 1980" Antaeus 40/41 (Winter/Spring 1981) 69-85. Story.
"Henri Rousseau" Antaeus 54 (Spring 1985) 165-180. Essay. "On Reading" Antaeus 59 (Autumn 1987) 52-61. Essay "Journal" Antaeus 61 (Autumn 1988) 76-83. Journal entry. "August Blue" Antaeus 64/65 (Spring-Autumn 1990) 196-207. Story. Re-published in 1992 as part of August Blue & The Aristeia of Audubon Vine .
"Keeping Time" Antaeus 73/74 (Spring 1994) 19-20. Self-portrait drawing at p. [18]. Essay.
"Eudora Welty: Guy Davenport Celebrates a Writer & Photographer" Aperture 81 (1978) 48-59. Essay. Full-page reproductions of Eudora Welty photographs, pp. 49, 53-59.
[Untitled Review] Archive [Durham, NC: Duke University] (October 1947) 2.
- Gore Vidal, In A Yellow Wood
"That Hallelujah Shift" Archive (October 1947) 11. Poem.
[Untitled Review] Archive (November 1947) 18-19, 27.
- Franz Kafka, Amerika
"That Lonesome Road to Macon" Archive (November 1947) 6-8, 20-24. Story. Illustrated by Davenport.
"The Fox" Archive (December 1947) 19. Poem.
[Untitled Review] Archive (December 1947) 20.
- Paul Ader, The Leaf Against The Sky
Includes a drawing signed "guyd".
[Untitled Review] Archive (March 1948) 16.
- John Steinbeck, The Pearl
"Opus" Archive (March 1948) 16. Poem.
Note: "gd/30 nov 1947".
"In the Juvenescence of the Year" Archive (March 1948) 12-14, 23. Story.
Drawing signed "gd xxxviii".
[Untitled Review] Archive (April 1948) 16-17, 23.
- Robert Penn Warren, All The King's Men
"Exact Observations of Several Phenomena" Archive (April 1948) 15. Poem.
[Untitled Review] Archive (May 1948) 16-17.
- Franz Kafka, The Diaries, 1910-1913 edited by Max Brod.
"Clare Leighton: American Artist: A Profile" Archive (May 1948) 10-13, 21-22. Essay.
"Jackson Marshall: American Primitive" Archive (May 1948) 15, 22-24. Essay.
"An Aunt of Mine" Archive (May 1948) p ? Poem.
"Three Dead Flies in a Goblet of Wine" Archive 62:1 (November 1948) 25-28. Story.
"Janie" Archive 62:2 (January 1949) 19. Poem.
"Oxford Letter" Archive 62:3 (March 1949) 7-8. " -- February, 1949, Oxford" From GD when a Rhodes Scholar in Oxford University to his alma mater Duke University. GD provides impressions of Arnold Toynbee, T. S. Eliot, and C. S. Lewis, who were some of his instructors at the time. He contrasts the different approaches to learning at Oxford and at Duke. Prompted by a Duke professor's observation that the university lacks a sense of direction, GD writes:
He means, I think, that there is neither center nor boundary to the 'shape' of student thought, that there is no determinate set of values. He means a great deal more, I'm sure, but mostly that indifference and a certain amount of paralysis are preventing a vigorous and sensitive approach to learning at Duke.
There are obvious and belabored causes for this shame: specialization of subject, the ruinous element of impersonality between institution and student, general neglect of classical and philosophic literature, an aversion toward all the arts, religion, and cultivation of sensibility. ...
The intellect is an ambiguous critter and its sensitiveness is its most important factor. By sensitiveness -- or its nervous, jumpy synonym, sensibility -- I mean the aggressive end of the imagination, which a romantic has, perhaps, too much of, or misuses. ... It's antithesis, indifference, frigidity, downright fear of human warmth, and so, in short, woodenness and impliability, is easily understood. ...
"Portrait of an American Artist, David R-------" Archive (March 1949) 18-21. Story.
"Those who remember Guy Davenport's stories of the South in last year's Archive should be interested in his switch to a new locale. He recently spent a month in Paris where he found the material for this story." (Editorial comment)
"Carmina Archilochi" Arion [Austin, TX: University of Texas] 2:2 (Summer 1963) 29-53. Translated from the Greek.
"The Classics and the Man of Letters" Arion 3:4 (Winter 1964) 42-46. Response to an Arion questionnaire.
"Two Faces of Comedy -- 1. Menander: Dyskolos 1-49, 233-426" Arion 6:2 (Summer 1967) 169-178. Translation from the Greek.
Note: Second 'face' is "2. Terence: Eunuchus 232-91" tr. Douglass Parker.
"Another Odyssey" Arion 7:1 (Spring 1968) 135-153. Review.
- Homer, 'The Odyssey'. Richmond Lattimore, translator.
"Persephone's Ezra" Arion 7:2 (Summer 1968) 165-199.
"Alkman: Partheneia and Fragments" Arion 8:4 (Winter 1969) 477-499. Translation from the Greek.
"Ezra Pound 1885-1972" Arion, New Series [Boston, MA: Boston University] 1:1 (Spring 1973) 188-196. Essay. [Cover Drawings] Arion.
- 3:4 (Winter 1964) Front and Rear
- 6:4 (Winter 1967) Front and Rear
- 7:1 (Spring 1968) Front and Rear
- 7:2 (Summer 1968) Front
- 7:3 (Autumn 1968) Front
- 7:4 (Winter 1968) Front
- 8:1 (Spring 1969) Front and Rear
- 8:2 (Summer 1969) Front and Rear
- 8:3 (Autumn 1969) Front and Rear
- 8:4 (Winter 1969) Front and Rear
- 9:1 (Spring 1970) Front and Rear
- 9:4 (Winter 1970) Front
"Quagga" Art Papers [Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Architecture Society] Special issue: 'Without Architecture' ed. Jennifer Bloomer and Robert Segrest. 8:4 (July-August 1984) [9] - 16. Story. Includes an architectural drawing by Charles Fourier, 'Plan of a Phalanstère'.
"Guernica Reconsidered" Arts Magazine 63 (Summer 1989) 27-31. Review.
- Ellen C. Oppler, ed., Picassos Guernica: A Norton Critical Study in Art History
- Herschel B. Chipp, Picassos Guernica: History, Transformations, Meanings
- Eberhard Fisch, Guernica by Picasso: A Study of the Picture and its Context
"The Nymph in the Spark Plug: A Metaphor in Modern Comedy" Audience 5:1 (May 1957) 47-53. Essay. GD did the cover drawing (s) for this issue which I have not seen.
[Untitled Review] Audit/Poetry 1:1 (1960) 15-16.
- Ezra Pound, Thrones 96-109 de los Cantares
"Parker Tyler's Tchelitchew" Ballet Review 2:2 (1968) 76-79. Review.
- Parker Tyler, The Divine Comedy of Pavel Tchelitchew
"Making a Shape for the Crystal" Boston Globe (February 28, 1988) 101,103. Review.
- Italo Calvino, Six Memos for the Next Millennium. The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, 1985-86.
"Scholia and Conjectures for Olson's 'The Kingfishers'" Boundary 2 [Binghamton, NY: State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of English] 2:1&2 (Fall/Winter 1974) 250-262. Essay.
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