I had thought about making a general "miss you" card, but never could figure out the right look until I found a stamp that had the cutest little kitten sleeping in a mailbox!  I then found another stamp to match it for the background and voila!  If you look carefully though, there's a little bit of a 3-D aspect to the kitten, which took me a long time to make because I had never attempted that technique before.  It took me over an hour trying to fiture out how many layers I might need and what needs to be colored what color on which layer... All that time paid off, because I'm pretty satisfied with the end results.
I had bought a whole set of Chinese character stamps and stencils the other day, so decided to experiment with them.  I started out with a simple design in mind.  First, I used a stencil for the front of the card.  I brushed in some color since the white was a little too bland.  If you can't read Chinese, it says "peace".  Next, I wanted to use one of those stamps inside the card.  It took a while for me to decided which stamp I wanted to use, but then I remembered that it was almost Father's Day.  The set of stamps I got had characters for luck, longevity, prosperity, wealth and happiness.  I wanted to use all of them, but each stamp was 3x2 in. and wouldn't have been able to fit on the tiny card.  Recently, my dad has been going through some financial troubles, so in the end I decided to give him "wealth" along with peace.  I had trouble with picking out what color went best with the red ink though, and since I didn't have much paper to use, I decided on a contrasting purple.  I think it worked out ok. 
This mother's day, I wanted to try something a bit more fun.  I had found this rubber stamp of a balloon that I thought was perfect for it.  I had to improvise with the carnation (I think the stamp is actually of pansies...), but it was the closest looking flower I could find in my collection...  It turned out ok and my mom loved it!
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