General All-purpose Cards
This is a blank card that I made.  I had a thin piece of purple fabric that I wanted to incorporate into my card design.  This is what I came up with.  This ended up being a birthday card for one of my friends. 
A break away from the traditional greeting card look.   I had this idea in my head to make something different.  Something that could be practical as well as cute.  The end result is this.  It can either decorate your wall or be placed on your desk as a picture frame.  You can't really tell in the first picture, but it says "Face each day with a new look on life".  I was aiming for a play on words there, because not only is that "coat" removable, you can also change the item of clothing (click on "A Special Gift for A Special Friend"). 
Normally when it comes to flowers, I don't like to go through the hassle of actually making them myself.  In Taiwan, they have handmade stickers in ready to go packages (the purple flowers seen here are some of their products).  They come in all kinds of varieties, from flowers to tea sets and even birthday cakes.  They're quite convenient and save a whole bunch of time when it comes to making your own greeting cards.  Although this time, I couldn't find the right kind of flowers that I wanted, so I decided to go ahead and make them myself.  Everything you see on that card is the result of a grueling three hours of cutting, gluing and pasting...  I went through all this trouble, because this was a gift for one of my aunts. 
This card was inspired by a friend of mine who likes Japanese geishas.  This took me about four days to finish due to all the research I had to do.  I already had a pose in mind, but it took me forever to find a good reference.  Luckily, this lovely site helped bundles!  The picture that I found was exactly what I had in mind.  It was all smooth sailing after that.  I used a technique that I had seen yet again on TV (check it out in the "Tips and Techniques" section).  It was very tedious to trace and cut out all the pieces needed, and even more tedious to glue them all into place.  I was going to give the girl a face, but I thought that keeping it simple would be best.  Well...that and I was already happy with how it turned out, and was afraid that I would mess up the face and ruin the whole thing... ^_^;;
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