Please note that this series of articles is copyrighted (yes, formally), being part of the unpublished manuscript "Constructing God", by Antistoicus (see notice). Click here to begin the discussion.

Note : the reader will notice that this work in progress ends in a rather long discussion with the sarcastic title "Interview with a Brave Man". Obviously, we don't expect someone to read a few dozen pages at a sitting or even at a stretch. So, a Table of Contents for this piece is included for your convenience. Just remember which chapter you stopped at and when you feel like picking up, again, go there and grab a link to the next chapter.

Leading up to that piece is a mathematically rigorous rebuttal to the notion that a well developed philosophical system will include formal arguments for each of its points, and an explanation as to why the impossibility of that doesn't invalidate the entire concept of Moral Philosophy, altogether.