In "The Cat and Tom Show here on alt.pagan" (located on that and two other newsgroups) Tamara Siuda made a remarkable assertion:

"We do not censor people on those boards for other than obscenity; they are places for people to talk in a free manner. People are entitled to their own opinions."

Really? Let's take a look at copies of some of Antistoicus' posts which were deleted from the boards. Note that not a single one of them has so much as the faintest hint of obscenity in it. All of them vanished from the system before older posts in the same forum did, so they can't have simply expired.

We have: two letters on the Sekhmet and Geometry thread (1 2), nine on the homosexuality thread, ten on the Egyptian electrification thread, two on the Cleopatra thread, and one on the "Suggested Reading" thread, among others, and these are just posts that Antistoicus happened to save before Cass and company deleted them. At that, these 24, obscenity-free posts aren't even all of the ones that we could put up, here. We just got tired of cutting and pasting.

As for Siuda's claims to the effect that the boards are uncensored, one need only look at the letter from Stephanie Cass to be left with severe doubt that this is true. Truly, we can't fathom why the people in the Reader Circuit Pagan community ever felt the need to lie at her expense, when the truth is as damaging as it is.


Make that 32 obscenity-free posts, now that the House has decided to outdo itself, and censor the argument-free "Netjer and Geometry" thread, a few days after it was mentioned on Usenet.

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