The High Priest of the "Blessed Village Shrine" (not its real name) had referred to Tamara Siuda as being "brittle" and "dogmatic", somebody with delusions of grandeur who was almost impossible to talk to.

Some of the antics of this group were mentioned in "The Prima Nocturne Incident." Ethically, they're about as bad as the House, just a lot less subtle about it, but a handful of their comments about Siuda and the House were right on target, and at least "Ron Loomis" makes no claims of godhood or divine inspiration. At least, not the last time we checked.

We're making an effort to withhold the name of this group, and removing it wherever we can find it, because unlike the House of Netjer, the Reader Circuit seems to be on its way out. A community that in 2000 had a few dozen active groups located within a few miles of the city of Chicago, in 2004 had a small handful in that same area, trying to disguise that reality by extending the definition of "the immediate vicinity of Chicago" to take in towns so far away from the Loop, for the shift in accent to be noticable - and still ending up with a much shorter list of groups, having done so. To be blunt, they need a little publicity right now, and considering the sordid history of that community, this strikes us as being an excellent reason to not give them any.