Those who don't like this can learn to cope. The 90s are over and we are not going to offer an apologetic response to belligerent unreasonability, as so many do in the name of "sensitivity".

Some circles are strictly gay, or lesbian, and we respect that, as does the Pagan community in general, for the most part. We expect it of people to see our preferences shown the same respect. Alas, we can't usually expect it from them, "progressive" double standards and self-righteous hypocrisy being the hallmarks of our time and place. This is one of the reasons why membership is a confidential matter. We don't want to see our members harassed in the name of "tolerance".

We don't disapprove of homosexuality. That would make about as much sense as "disapproving" of someone having blue eyes. But, like many, we have our preferences as to who to share a particular moment with and act on those preferences without apology. Some may protest the "bigotry" of this. Too bad. They need to face the fact one can be a very nice person without everyone being obligated to want to hang around with one. Hatred is the desire to keep another from fully enjoying his life, not a refusal to offer to share every single aspect of one's own with him.

The fact is, that as much as some of us respect and even love our gay friends, we really don't want to watch them explore their sexuality, much as we'd rather not watch our Scottish friends eat their haggis. This is not a judgment thing. We fully recognise that this discomfort is purely a matter of our own personal taste. But for some of us, as we seek to have a tender moment with someone we've met, two men kissing each other off in the corner can be a real mood killer. And if the gay community is entitled to places where it can feel comfortable, so are we. If someone doesn't like this, he can go get a life.

Once again, remember that we aren't the only group in town and we don't seek to make most of these rules universally accepted, or even accepted anywhere outside our circle. It's simply the way WE enjoy doing things.

This is not to say that gay visitors will be unwelcome at our events. Merely, that they are not eligible for membership, and will be asked to refrain from open displays of sexual behavior while here. We have no problem with them being themselves and recommend that they begin a group more in keeping with their own sexuality, much as some of the local Wiccans have, several times. But kids, the 90s are over, and we all should've outgrown the notion that "the freedom to be me" is the "freedom to be me in somebody else's living room". The host has a right to live as he pleases, too

On to other things, now.