"Why any Wiccans?", would be an equally natural question. We are, after all, not a Wiccan group. Our religion is not their religion and their religion is not our religion, not even in the slightest detail, so what reason would they have for even wanting to be here and what reason would we have to wish to see them come?

Unfortunately, all too many in our local Wiccan community have been all too glad to answer that last question over the last few years through their actions. We've had the local elders barge in here, ignoring the age bar (we are a younger Hellenists' group) and every other rule they didn't care for, as their acolytes played the civil disobedience game, acting as if this were a Wiccan Shrine, disrupting what we were trying to get done here in the process, and generally being a pain in the backside, as in the case of what we will call the Prima Nocturne Incident. Even were it not for the grave concerns we've raised about the psychological dangers of blending Rationalist and Occultist paths in the introduction to Constructing God, concerns which we've seen borne out in real life, the need for tranquility would compel us to demand that our Wiccan visitors depart, given the history.

Alexandre-Marie Colin: The Three Witches from Macbeth; aka. The Chicago Wiccan Beauty Pageant

"Why don't you try talking things over with them", some will ask. You know what? We have tried to talk things over with them, and heard a response worthy of a group of three year olds. Screaming and wailing about how oppressed they were because we weren't giving them what they wanted. And let's face it, this isn't a new fight, it's just an old fight in new clothing that's been seen in the Midwest whenever those who have tried to hold onto their traditions have run into the Anglo-American assimiliationist crowd with its "bull in a china shop" group mentality. These people haven't just had years to learn how to live with those different from them in a way that shows respect for those differences, they've had generations, and we've had enough. It's time to show them the door.

Click here if you'd like to know what we think of "mandatory eclecticism" and a few other Politically Correct notions, or left arrow it to go back to where you were.