May 22, 2007

My letter to Tariq | SGI Issues | Reform Page | Original

Note: Tariq's speech is response to the Reform Declaration
made by some members over the internet. I have reproduced it and added some html so that people can see it in context.

Speech by Tariq Hasan, SGI-USA Men’s Division Leader

Original at: For comments follow embedded links.

Regarding the so-called "SGI-USA Reform Movement Declaration"

Nationwide Teleconference, May 22, 2002

Good evening!

Perhaps many of you have read or heard about a document called "SGI-USA Reform Movement Declaration" that is being circulated through the Internet.

First of all, I want to make it clear that this document has absolutely nothing to do with SGI-USA. That is, SGI-USA did not produce this document, nor did it authorize the use of its name. The core originators of this document come from a group that we are all familiar with that calls themselves the IRGissues.html">Independent Reassessment Group (IRG). They spent the past few years criticizing the SGI on the Internet.

This declaration goes against the very core of what it means to be a member of the SGI.

  1. It makes the false and misleading statement that we are controlled from Japan.
  2. It incorrectly portrays and criticizes our trust in President Ikeda’s leadership and in the mentor–disciple relationship.
  3. It wrongly opposes our Soka Spirit movement or our stance toward the temple, calling it "a Petty Struggle between President Ikeda and the High Priest."
  4. The declaration takes issue with our confidence that the SGI is the one body that is correctly practicing and spreading Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.

I want to make it very clear that:

  1. SGI-USA is a member organization of the Soka Gakkai International, which is part of the Soka Gakkai. At the same time, SGI-USA is an independent religious body with existing bylaws and systems for consensus-based decision-making. The Soka Gakkai has been and will continue to be for us the source of encouragement and clarification of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings.[see reform.html
  2. We regard the three successive presidents—first president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, second president Josei Toda and third president Daisaku Ikeda—as our eternal leaders who embody the spirit of selfless dedication to kosen-rufu, and who clarify how to practice Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings correctly.
  3. Soka Spirit is based on the heart of the Daishonin’s teachings and, as such, is at the core of our kosen-rufu movement. The heart of the Daishonin’s teachings is the vow to relieve suffering and lead all people to happiness. Our actions to challenge Nikken’s distortions of Buddhism accord exactly with the Gosho and protect the purity of the Daishonin’s Buddhism for future generations.
  4. We should never doubt that the Daishonin’s Buddhism is, in his own words, "the direct path to enlightenment" as he states in On Attaining Buddhahood. We should never doubt our pride and confidence in SGI’s role and mission as the only body of believers correctly practicing and spreading the Daishonin’s Buddhism. The SGI is living out the Buddha’s "great vow" to let people throughout the world discover the Daishonin’s Buddhism.

Our movement is based upon dialogue. And as such, discussion of anything pertinent to kosen-rufu is encouraged. At the same time, dialogue means standing up to resolutely assert our fundamental beliefs and convictions as leaders of the SGI. It does not mean compromising those fundamental beliefs and convictions. Any claim that these fundamental beliefs and convictions are wrong should be challenged through confident dialogue.

We must be able to discern between constructive input and disparaging criticism that can disrupt the faith of individuals and the harmonious unity of believers. As leaders, we have to be vigilant in this regard. We need to develop such wisdom to protect our organization into the future and guarantee that Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism will become a world religion.

Successful dialogue begins with prayer—for ourselves and others—and firm conviction which is developed through study, beginning with self-education. To assist you in your dialogues, we are preparing supportive information. We ask that you study it thoroughly to be prepared to responsibly, knowledgeably and confidently engage in dialogue with our members. Our most powerful tools are prayer, study and dialogue.

I believe we have come a long, long way since 1990 when President Ikeda gave us key points of guidance for creating a model organization "for the next 1,000 years." Of course, as individuals and as an organization we need to continue to improve ourselves, this is Buddhist practice.

At the same time, it must be stated, that SGI-USA has more active members, operates more facilities for our membership, is financially stronger, and is more socially engaged that at any time in our 40-year history. The idea that we, as stated in the declaration, are heading in the wrong direction or withering into insignificance is flatly untrue and clearly uninformed. Please have confidence in this point.

As kosen-rufu advances, we are bound to repeatedly encounter people who, failing to deeply understand the essence of the Daishonin’s Buddhism or the mission and purpose of the Soka Gakkai, actually function to disrupt the faith and practice of sincere members. As leaders, we need to develop the courage and sense of mission to discern this and protect the organization for kosen-rufu and serve our precious members. This is, I believe, the deeper and long-term significance of the Soka Spirit movement.

Thank you very much.

Who is Tariq Hassan?

He seems to have become a leader after being a youth leader in the New York area. Right now he seems to be second only to Danny Nagashima. I've never met him, but what little I know of him has been through his speeches and announcements:

Transcription of May 22 2002; Speach
Other references to him or by him1:
He got promoted for his activities
  1. I had to revise this list recently, some of the links had "died"

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