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From The Mississippi Delta To The Great White North!
The Blind Lemon Blues
One of the great pleasures of working at CHMR is the chance to co-host a show with a guy's like Matthew Beverly and Jasen Cantwell (AKA - Fanboy Mark Jabroni). The idea for the "Blind Lemon Blues" show actually came from Matthew, who was the first co-host.
As you already know, I host Cosmic Debris every Monday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm. It was followed by "It was the Best of Times, It Was The Blurst of Times" hosted by Matthew at 9:00 pm. In the Summer of 2002, the last half hour of Cosmic Debris was filled with an episode of "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" which Matthew really enjoyed. He would come in early every night, and we would sit around, eating muffins, drinking coffee and talking Music.
After my trip to the Ottawa Bluesfest, the subject turned to blues Music,Being a man with great musical taste, Matthew was intreagues by the Blues and suggested that we do a Blues Show together. Well... I'm game for anything, and said I would look into it. Within a few weeks, The Blind Lemon Blues was on the air for the fall season! Alas, the show was cancelled after that first season, as Matthews Work schedule would not allow it.
Then in the Summer of 2003, a couple of things happened;
The Fat Cat Blues Bar on George Street reopened (they were looking to sponsor a show)
And Matthew's Schedule cleared up...
So there we were, back on the air again, with the best of the blues, from the Mississippi Delta to the Great White North! Unfortunately, The Fat Cat eventually had to withdraw their sponsorship, but they were instrumental in getting us back on that air, and for that we are eternally grateful.
In the Fall of 2004, Matthew was again called away for a work term, which has kept him occupied ever since. I decided to keep doing the Blind Lemon Blues alone, just to keep what I felt was a good show going. With in a few weeks of Matthew's departure, Jasen Cantwell or Fanboy Mark Jabroni (Host of CHMR's Ring Rust) started dropping in, to check out the scene. He seemed to like what her heard, and expressed an interest in joining as co-host.
I usually try to be a social being, and said sure! We've been working on the show between us, ever since!
Then in 2005, as my wife & I were preparing for our annual pilgrimage to The Bluesfest, my best friend Craig Hilliard asked if he could Join us! Kathy and I drove up, but Craig Flew, and we picked him up at the Airport. What followed was one of the best Bluesfest trips we ever had! All the way Home, Craig talked about wanting to Join CHMR and help co-host The Blind Lemon Blues.
So, upon our return, "We Three Fools" ended up as the Co-Hosts of The Blind Lemon Blues! (Thats my Story and I'm Stickin' to it!) Each week we stumble and bumble our way through the Best in Blues and add just a touch of silliness!
It's a fun mix of Music and Mayhem!
Why not check out the Blind Lemon Blues every Monday night, 9 - 10 PM and only on 93.5 CHMR - FM, or on the web via MP3 Stream or Real Audio at