Chat Quests.......
One of the best things about lycos is that it is different... You can do so much more, one of the great things is the chat quests you have to solve to gain commands that allow you to stand out in the chat.. So here is a little help on how to gain a few commands!
There are 6 Commands-  Love,

Whisper, shout, think, sing and
sleep. use the comands as often

as you like but you have to leave

a 20 second gap between each

one otherwise the chat screen

will fill up with all flashy things

ect he he.
/love Command
How to get it -

Write a message in the captains log book.
How to use it-

type /love followed by your text in the chat box.
/Sing command
How to get it -

Write /tell captain technochic is 18 years old.
How to use it-

Write /sing followed by your text in the chat box.
/sleep command
How to get it -

Write /mail shipsrat i hate you i wanna punch you. (Anythin insulting lol)
How to use it-

Write /sleep followed by your text in the chat box.
/Shout command
How to get it -

I personally think this is the hardest one to get! Be between the 7th and 15th person to hit the chandelier in ballroom and knock it down. You can only hit it once per "fall".
How to use it-

Write /Shout followed by your text in the chat box. Nice effect too!
/Think command
How to get it. -  No need u already have it.
How to use it-
Write /think followed by your text in the chat box.

/whisper Command
How to get it. - Type /goto parrot. now you must feed the parrot by wtiting into the text box parrot want a biskuit,cracker,brid seed or whatever the parrot ask's for. When parrot asks for sometbing E.G bird Seeds reply- gives parrot bird seeds, do this until the command is given can take a while to get this one

How to use it -
Write /whisper followed by your text.
S l a c k D R C
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