There are loads of other things on Lycos Chat that dont really fit into a catagory so here are some usefull things to help you on your way.
Code entry.
Put these coses for some cool little symbols-

&#9829 - Heart
&#9835 - Musical note
&#9788 - Sun
&#9786 - Smiley face
Some other usefull commands

/phototell (username) - Lets you send provate messages to users with a your photochat picture attached to it

/Friend (username) - To request that person to be added to your friends list

/Iggnore (username) - Pritty self explantery i think

/Seen (Username) - To see where a person is at any time.

/Navigators - Shows you a list of all online Navigators and what room they are in.

/Goto (Room or Username)
- Takes you to the room that the person is in provided it is not full.

Cntrl and B - Opens a browser that takes you to the bridge for Navigaators information and Comment section.

/Tell (Usename)Writes a privae message to that person.

Cntrl and B - Opens a newe window and takes you to the bridge of the ship.

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