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Amelia Clapperton


Amelia Clapperton et Edgar Cyr son mari.
             Amelia with Edgar Cyr, her husband.

Berthe et Beatrice Cyr, les ain�es
                      The eldest daughters

Leurs enfants.
                Their children.

B�atrice et Marie-Th�r�se, l'ain�e et la cadette.
                    Beatrice and Marie-Therese, the eldes and the youngest.

Berthe, leur p�re Edgar, Marie-Th�r�se et Amelia.
                     Berthe, their father Edgar, Marie-Therese and Amelia.

Amelia, Beatrice, Marie-Th�r�se et leur tante Ida, la soeur de leur p�re.
                                                                             with their aunt Ida, their father's sister.

Amelia au volant, Marie-Th�r�se et Berthe en arri�re.
                    Amelia driving, Marie-Therese and Berthe in the back seat.

Marie-Th�r�se et B.

Berthe et B�atrice.

Amelia Cyr et Jean-Marie Bernard, son �poux.
                                                                             her husband.



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