More about Sabrang/FOIL/SACW


(Note: the Pakistan-approved map showing Greater Pakistan and Mutilated India at Sabrang's site has apparently been removed, after FIVE years of display, following complaints to anti-terrorism authorities. While outraged visitors certainly complained, consider that such public opinion has in the past not had any effect on these worthies who sit in India and conduct enemy propaganda to destroy India )

The map drawing shown below was originally brought up in a post in the BRF discussion - Sabrang took it upon itself to give a good chunk of Northern India to Pakistan, and Eastern India to China. Readers can judge the truth below as in this case a picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

Dismembered map of India - official Pakistani and Sabrang version

A simple exercise; if one were to take maps of India and Pakistan, remove all of Jammu and Kashmir and add it to Pakistan, you would end up with the official Pakistani / ISI pushed version of the map, also endorsed fully by Sabrang. Does the map below look similar to the Sabrang version?

Pakistan's version = Sabrang's version

Sabrang's bias

See Ms. Teesta Setalwad's pathetic rationalizations below, from an e-mail to one of our friends:

"November 27, 2002
Dear Visitors to Aman,

After five years of being on the website,, the child's drawing of a map logo picturing India-Pakistan friendship has suddenly brought in a flurry of responses wondering 'how such a representation of maps could be carried!!' The drawing was done by a child of the Bombay International School and is simply a child's representation of India and Pakistan. It is a measure of the disquiet and insecurity of our times that simple things like child drawings draw out surprise, questions, and even vitriol. It is not surprising that the hawkish columnist on, Varsha Bhosale, who features our group every so often in her columns (and for which free publicity we remain grateful to our saffro-sis), was the first to draw attention to this, followed by a few other e-mails on the subject. (Since the logo appears to 'offend', we have removed it but we still appeal for rationality, humour and sane dialogue rather than perpetually 'outraged sentiments'). In understanding,

Teesta Setalvad "

Readers' Comments :

1. If the drawing is that of a child, how come the map of TSP (Terrorist State of Pakistan) was far more accurate and bigger as well and did not the child know about Jammu and Kashmir?

2. Two words: "B.S."

3. When 21-year-olds from India were getting tortured to death by the Pakistani Terrorist "Army" who invaded Jammu and Kashmir in 1999, and General Musharraf was threatening Mumbai with nuclear annihilation if India tried to stop his troops from murdering Indian citizens, Teesta Setalwad and her friends were happily looking at their dream of Greater Pakistan and propagating it from the safety provided to her by the democracy and freedom that those brave soldiers died to protect.

4. Teesta Setalvad seems to take refuge in a "Childish" way. If the child could not draw a proper map of India, then one can assume that the "Aman" education has failed.

5. Furthermore. if the child has made a mistake and drawn a wrong map, then Ms Setalvad or any educator is supposed to correct the child (isnt that what Bombay International teachers are supposed to do?) and a proper map redrawn by that child. Should one assume that the Sabrang curriculum is different from the official Pakistani curriculum currently employed in thousands of madrassahs, churning out an abundant supply of terrorists?

Biju Mathew's previous political works can be found at:

From we are informed that Biju Mathew is Professor of Business at Rider College (New Jersey); Vijay Prashad is Director of International Studies at Trinity College (Connecticut) and author of "Karma of Brown Folk" (Minnesota, 2000). Both are co-founders of the Forum of Indian Leftists (FOIL) and members of the collective of Youth Solidarity Summer (YSS). Rider college styles itself "Rider University" -- see

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