Round Robin

AUTHOR: Athenas_28
AUTHOR'S NOTES: The following is a work of fan fiction. It is written for entertainment purposes only, intends no infringement of copyright, and is not written for profit. No money has changed hands. All original story ideas are the sole property of the author and are printed with the permission of the author. All story lines were created independently of any other fan fiction known to exist at the time of the conceptualization of the individual story. If any resemblance in storyline, plot, dialogue, characters, et al., is found between this story and any other, such resemblance is purely unintentional and coincidental. In keeping with previous posts, flashbacks are indicated in asterisks. //double slashes indicate thought sequences. Thanks to Bette for her always invaluable beta reading.
DISCLAIMER: Star Trek Voyager is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Who says confession is good for the soul?


�Yes, Chakotay, I want you.�


He frowned. �What did you say?�

�Kahless! Chakotay. I open myself up to you...�

�WHAT DID YOU SAY?� He asked with an impassioned edge to his voice.

�I said, �I SAW YOU�!� she shouted back.

He stared at her.

�paH, say something already,� B�Elanna demanded impatiently.

Chakotay gathered her close. He felt the sweat cooling on her body. Suddenly, his big body began to shake.

�What is it? What�s wrong? You�re really hurt aren�t you?� she asked frantically. �I knew you weren�t telling me everything. C�mon, let�s get out of here; I�ll get the med kit.�

She tried to extricate herself but he wouldn�t let go. A horrible suspicion dawned. She pulled back slightly and looked up at him. Swearing in a mixture of Klingon and English, she wrenched out of his arms. ��re pataQ!� Her Klingon side exploded to the surface as B�Elanna launched herself at him, taking them both to the ground.

�Wait, wait, I wasn�t laughing at you,� he tried to get up as they rolled around the dirt floor of the cave. But the enraged young woman was out for blood. It took him several minutes to subdue her, and they were both breathing heavily by the time he wound up on top of her pinning her wrists to the ground.

�Stov-o-Kor hath no fury like a Klingon be' scorned,� she panted, eyes flashing up at him; a warning implicit in her tone.

Chest heaving from exertion and the nearness of this woman (not to mention her recent admission) Chakotay sent up a silent prayer to the gods for calm.

�One minute, B�Elanna, that�s all I ask. Just one minute.� He looked pointedly at her. At first he didn�t think she was going to answer but then a slight nod had him releasing her. His outstretched hand was quickly slapped away. They retreated to opposite corners. He permitted himself a small smile as he had the fleeting thought that their positions reminded him of one of his boxing holoprograms. He quickly wiped the smile off his face and the thought out of his mind. He knew he had to act quickly if he was going to convince this lovely but headstrong woman how he felt about her. How he�d felt about her for so long...

He cleared his throat. �B�Elanna,� he called softly.

No response.

�B�Elanna,� a bit louder.

�I�m listening,� came the grudging reply.

�I saw you, too.�


More silence.

�You saw me?�

�None other.� You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. A grin spread across his face, causing the dimples in his cheeks to flash.

�Then why in the world did you laugh like a Bajoran hyena when I told you what I�d seen?� she asked heatedly.

He gave a rueful chuckle. �I couldn�t believe we�d wasted all this time and it took an alien in the Delta Quadrant, thousands of light years from home, to show us what was in front of our very noses all along.� He crossed the length of the cave to pull her into his arms but she was having none of it.

//To say B�Elanna was stunned to hear he�d �seen� her was putting it mildly. Oh, she knew her best friend loved her, but as a pal, a buddy -- not in that way. After all, who did he choose as his lover when they were in the Maquis? Seska, not her. They�d been on Voyager for over a year now and nothing. And, of course, there was Kathryn Janeway. Ever since the Captain destroyed the array and the two crews merged, pools had sprung up throughout the lower decks on when and where the two of them would �get together.� B�Elanna had even taken a �square�, though truth be told for her bet to pay off they�d have to be on the hull -- traveling at Warp 6 -- heading to the Alpha Quadrant through a wormhole... Oh yeah, and that time he and Janeway had spent, what was it they named that planet they�d been stuck on, �New Earth�? Sure, he spoke about building a boat and some monkey they made a pet out of, but six weeks is a long time to be alone on a planet with no one else around. Plus, he knew the Captain had �seen� her fianc�, so I must�ve been his second choice. I just can�t take that chance. No matter how much I wish it, I guess we�re just destined to be best friends.//

B�Elanna squared her shoulders and took a deep breath, �I�m sorry, Chakotay, I just can�t.�

To be continued...



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