Central Document Consultants
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Skyline of Tampa, Florida
Scenario 1:

   The inspection team from JCAHO, (The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations) has notified you that they will be coming to your facility shortly.

   They have kindly provided you with information regarding the materials they wish to review.

   Your Information Technology Department has done an outstanding job in amassing all of the electronic data they are requesting.

    Your Medical Records Department, however, is struggling to locate the Progress Notes from a particular physician, who has the bad habit of forgetting to sign them. 

Need to ensure that this will not happen again?

Scenario 2:

   Due to a recent merger, the SEC has notified your offices that they will soon be arriving to examine your files with an eye towards complete regulatory compliance.

   That day has arrived, and so have they.

   While all of your financial records are complete, and all due diligence standards seem to have been met, there seems to be some slight question regarding late changes made to one of the financial declarations.

   Your IT Department can't help.

   Your Records Manager is on emergency leave, and it seems no one else is able to locate the requested documents.

         Need to be assured that your staff is properly trained?

CENTRAL DOCUMENT CONSULTANTS can assist your organization in ensuring that situations like those above become a thing of the past.
  Today's business community relies heavily on electronic media to keep running smoothly.  But there are risks...
   As many in the Legal Profession will attest, there is simply no substitute for hard-copy, black-and-white documentation.  Should that documentation become misplaced or otherwise unavailable when a critical situation arises, it can cost an organization far more than money..

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