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At least twice a year - we make a trip to Oakwood. Oakwood is a youth hostel up in the deserted Blair-Witch-like forests of the Wicklow mountains. Well Oakwood...its like a ritual! Each visit is different but in some weird way.. the same! The usual things we do include - midnight hike in the pet cemetary, pasta & salad dinner, watch a scary movie, the long afternoon hike (which everyone moans about), secret pals, the lack of sleep, and the dreded tidying, packing wet clothes, and ... hoovering..and a few other things we can't remember!!

While in oakwood, a game 'Tip Fortress' was invented - by a few of our own members. This game took the place of the dreded afternoon hike up to the top! So for that it - it went down very well!

LATEST NEWS: The oakwood planned for the Easter hols had to be cancelled due to foot n mouth. We're hoping that another trip will be organised but we'll just have to wait and see...

One of last year's trips was - A LEADER'S SNOAKWOOD

Wanna see more photos - CLICK HERE!!
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