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Heres a little info on some of last years leaders:

Aisha - an expert biscuit taster, Aisha is sought out by all the rich and famous to ensure that the quality of their cookies are of the highest standards for tea dipping, although her beverage tasting skills leave a lot to be desired!

Aoife - she's been there from the start. Known around da hood as 'Shandy' she loves to get her groove on, when she isnt taking part in spelling bees. Aoife has a fear of capital letters.

Ben - nimble on his feet and quick with his earlobes, ben is always a true gem to have around the house.He also enjoys calculating the square root of random numbers and breeding dung beatles.

Camille - a professional banjo player is widely acclaimed for her peformance of a variety of Yugoslavian Square Dance extracts. In her free time she mends slippers and clogs. Gud job Camille!


Caroline - plays the bongos...bong bong bong bong. She has travelled far and wide, especially with Jamaican Wokka Bands who truly appreciate the intensity of her rhythm. Has been sighted saying to herself 'hit me with your rhythm stick grrrrrr'.

Cecelia - has a crippling fear of pigs tails, her explanation being 'they're just so curly'. Also the founder of the Organisation for Abandoned Gerbils in Ireland. Shes shows her dedication by taking three under-privileged gerbils for walks around the park, twice daily.  
Cillian - the chairperson of the Pythagoras Fanclub, he takes his duties very seriously. Including, chronologically recording each discovery made by Pythagoras, leading up to and following his amazing discovery regarding the right angled triangle. Other interests include extreme ballet and darning odd socks. Claire - likes to spend her time painting the inside of caves as an outlet for her creative anger. Her work has been acknowledged by many of the foremost in her field, including Lyndsey Byrne whose philosophy it is to make use of all you can get.  
Erica - known as 'The Cat' she moves with such feline grace that she is well suited to her chosen career as a milkwoman. She is a model student when she attends her jigsaw making classes and CYB ain't the only club she's involved in; no no! She is also a major player in the 'Crazy, Mad, Fun, Mad, Great Jigsaw Club'. Oh Erica, what will you get up to next?!? Fiona - is known to take part in the County Hoovering Competitions, and has achieved the royal title of 'The Dust Destroyer'. Other interests include lampshade construction and decoration. Floral patterns being her personal fave. She does a mean daffodil. Man! You should see it!  
Fionnan - unknown to many, finster is really a tarot reading gypsy named Diamond who fled from his homeland in Zurich to find his fortune in CYB. Other interests include checkers and cap making. Gearoid - has a severe phobia of pillow cases, and chooses to sleep on haybales rather than 'The Spawn of Satan' - cotton pillow cases. He frequently has nightmares of pillow fights. Poor lad..  
Gerald - a dedicated and focused mole watcher. He names each and every mole he spots and sets out little picnics for his favourites. He also enjoys tasting soaps for national research. Has an odd hatred for calves. Hazel - believes the alphabet is a secret code of destruction sent to us by beings from a distant planet. She spends a dedicated six hours a day trying to decode the alphabet, so far without success... we're rootin for ya Hazel!  
Ismael - Jenny -  
Jo - Kate (Monaghan) -  
Kate (Waddell) - Marian -  
Mark - Reuben -  
Roisin - Ruth -  
Shane -      
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