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Programming Languages

Want to study windows programming? You have many choices. You can select Visual Basic, Borland Delphi and something else. They are easy to learn and can construct a windows application quickly. But if you want to become a powerful windows programmer or if you want to dig deep into the inside of the windows, you need to study C++/API/MFC/COM. It's not a easy work to study windows programming from scratch. Follows are some books I should like to recommend for a newbie who want to study programming from the ground up. I recommend these books based on my experience. In my personal opinion, read them sequentially, one by one, from cover to cover.
Wow, so many books need to read. But these are not enough, if you want to become a expert of windows programmer, other great books need to read. Such as the ones written by D.Box, J.Richter, B.Stroustrup et al.

Want to write platform independent application or want to catch up with the development of internet? Then, study JAVA. It's a programming language of 21st century. The applet in the right margin shows you the power of Java.
wow, surprise? If you are familiar with C++ and Object-Oriented Method (OOM), then learning JAVA become easier. Two wonderful free books can be viewed on-line:
These Java Tutorials are very good introductories for programmers who are already familiar with OOM principles and want to get up to speed quickly on Java.

Dig out a very good on-line introduction written by a lovely couple who has an alias "2tigers", only available in chinese. HTML/JavaScript
Two useful references are available on-line:

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Yin Yong, All rights reserved.
Industrial and Management Science
Graduate School of Economics and Management
Tohoku University, JAPAN
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