What does the letters and no. behind the Zippo mean ?

The Letter -> A- L
Means the month that the zippo was made contary to popular belief that it is the grade.

The Number -> to many to mention
Means the year that the zippo was made.

The Example on the right:
C means it was made in March
03 means it was made in 2003
Why get a Zippo ? To do tricks of course !
If u want the full range of Tricks u can go to

However, These are some of the nicer tricks that i like and am learning.
Conflent Bondsmen - Booty

-Hold the lighter Hinges up top towards your non dominant hand and body towards your dominant using your thumbs and index fingers.
-Break apart and push the lighter through the "pipe" of your Non dominant hand. The flint should strike on the webbing of your hand and light.
-Pull the lighter quickly back around. As you do this the Hinge should wind up resting on the Non dominant hand's Index finger.
-Using your other index finger on the cap spin the lighter into the air. Catch and Swing shut to close.
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Faster Than The Human Eye - Eric Da Pyro

-First you hold your lighter with all your fingers except the pinky. Put your thumb on the hinge, index on cap, and middle & ring on body.
-Place your other hand under your lighter. Then you raise your hand up and down quickly. While doing that, open the cap and place your middle finger on the wheel.
-As it hits your other hand, your middle finger should ignite it and close the lighter almost completely.
-Quickly open it again so the flame won�t go out. Now if you do it fast enough it looks like your lighter is already lit once you open it.
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( 552 kb )
Waterwheel - Alas_Alack

-First, hold only the cap of your lighter with your thumb and index finger, hinge facing out.
-Swing the lighter open and put your thumb in the gap on the inner side of the hinge.
-Rotate the lighter towards you from the top with the assistance of your middle and ring finger.
-Strike the wheel with your thumb to ignite and then swing the lighter till its upright.
-Snap shut to close
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