What is Hypnosis ?
Hypnosis is a relaxed state of concentration or trance. Truth is, everybody has been in a state of hynosis before -- when you're daydreaming in your car while stuck in traffic, or sitting in class thinking about the night before... that is until your teacher/friend snaps you back into reality.






Contrary to what we see on TV, you can't get someone to do something they don't want to do while hypnotized -- they may be in a trance, but they still know where they are and their better judgment is still intact.
How to put someone in a trance

1- Encourage your subject to relax his mind and muscles.

2- Using a calm and soothing voice, tell your subject to inhale from his nose and exhale from his mouth, and instruct him to watch his breath slowly leave his mouth (your subject can keep his eyes open or closed, whichever he prefers).

3- Tell him to continue this, and to add colors and patterns to each breath (which represent his worries, thoughts, inhibitions, and whatever he imagines).

4- Once his thoughts are floating away with each exhalation, encourage your subject to imagine himself filling up with liquid, from his lowest extremities to his head. Describe the liquid to him -- the color, the texture -- and tell him to imagine it slowly flowing up his body. When it reaches his head, he will feel completely at ease... until you want him to leave the trance or he chooses to -- whichever comes first.
What else can u do using hypnosis ?

-Getting over an addiction

Let's assume the addiction is smoking:

1- Have your subject imagine everything associated with smoking cigarettes. You can even provide him with some of the props. The smell of ashes and cigarette smoke in his clothes; the coughing from the cigarettes; the sound of lighting lighters or matches (okay, that part he may like). The point is to have him imagine everything associated with smoking.

2- Tell your subject to imagine a future without all things cigarettes and smoking -- a time when his clothes smell good, his breath is clear and minty, his lungs feel clear and smoke-free, etc. As well, tell him to imagine all the positives in his life as a result to no longer smoking: Not becoming short of breath after running for five minutes, saving at least five dollars a day on a pack of cigarettes, and so on.

3- Keep him in this trance for a while, and encourage him to imagine his daily life without this habit, and how happy he feels now that he has kicked it for good.

4- When he seems ready, return him to the present.
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