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September 8, 2001 --
On this night in Western Commons, a group of friends and kindred spirits met to formalize our commitment to Norrath and each other. Most of us had already made this pledge, if only in our hearts, weeks before. We had come to trust one another and rely on the skills that each of us possessed. Life is a treasure meant to be shared with others and the bond of friendship we had formed was beyond measure. So, on this night we raised our weapons to the stars and announced the birth of Celestial Navigators.
We are a multi-class and multi-race Guild on the Vazaelle Server. Our guild formation was based on friendship. Our recruiting is based on friendship. Therefore we tend to stick together and most times you will see the vast majority of us in the same zone. We have a mature attitude, a cooperative nature, and a friendly manner.
If anyone is interesting in learning more about our Guild,
they are welcome to contact any of our Guild Members to arrange a meeting and grouping.
Please e-mail any corrections or updates to [email protected]
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