
Hey guys, I'll make this quick. Um... I changed my e-mail so it'll be just for the site, and I put part II of Darkness of a Silent Soul up. So enjoy yea? Have fun.

OMG!! I FINALLY UPDATED!!!! ^_^ Happy ne? Anyway, there's new artwork and some new questions. Thanks for all the questions that were being sent in. Yet, I didn't get to get all of them answered, so I'll get those questions, the next time thru. What else is there to say? Oh yea. I am so sorry everyone. I didn't mean to put the site off for such a long time.... I hope I don't do it again, and if I do, please don't get mad at me. There's just so much stuff to do and so little time. But I would appreciate it if you guys gave me some feedback or something for me to go off on. Like do you guys want a new layout? Or different colors? 'Cause I know everything on the site looks the same. But I like it... But if you don't tell me and I'll see what I can do. Anything to help me would be great. And thanks everyone for your interest and support for this site. I wuv you! hehe ^_^ Enjoi yea?

Haha, it's Firday the 13th! Bleh, whatever, life sucks anyway, just ask Hiro-kun. Anyway I don't think I can do much on this site, 'cause school is takin up a lot of time. Anyway, hopefully I get some stuff done ya know. Oh anyway I've got some new artwork on this time around. And I'm still trying to finish part two of my comic thingy. Note the word trying. I'll catch you guys later then.

HAHA! I updated! I am so sorry it took so long. It's just with summer school I had to do some projects and you know the drill. Yeah, and I'm getting better with swim. I'm doing better at the meets and I'm having more fun. Hee, anyway enough of my yapping.
And what have I updated on my site? Well lemme see... I updated my profile section, so it makes a little more sense. New artwork, new questions, and a new review. Haha, I actually updated those section. As for the comics, I wasn't able to finish it yet, but I'm working on it. I don't have the right pressure andmotivation to do it. But that'll come along when school starts again.
And I got a guestbook for the time being. 'Cause my old one was being stupid. So sign it please! ^.^

I know this isn't a real update, but I want everyone to know: I GOT FLIGHT SGT! I'm so happy. ^.^ And i'd like to thank all the people that believed in me. Hee. And good job Ken. 2nd year flight sgts!

Okay... So... What's up guys? I need some feedback from you guys, I dunno, what do you like about my site and what don't you like? What can I do to improve ya know what I mean? Yeah, so talk to me. As for updates, lemme see... Our ROTC Color Guard team brought home an 8th place throphy out of 90 CG teams at Pamona (the Big Bear Nationals), I lost BDY [the highest honor a first year cadet could get], I had fun at the Awards Banquet, and um... I'm worried about my progress report... I need a 4.0, okay enough about my rambling on...
The real updates... Okay, new questions [finally!], some new artwork, and blah blah blah... I'll fill this in later....

Oops, it's been a while huh? Sorry. I think it's because of all the shcool work that I have to get through. Ah, so what have you guys been missing out on? Lemme see... I won my BDI thing, my birthday was the 8th of March, my bird died, I'm getting really backed up in work, I didn't do so hot in my swim meet, and well... Life is good, so to speak... Um.... Okay I have some new artwork and I think that's about it. I'm still working on my comic, and a new review. Oo, just hold up for a while. I'm so backed up... I'm trying though....

Gomen ne. I caouldn't update as early as I thought because the stupid comic I said I would finish was harder to finish than I thought it would take... It's eight pages long! Anyway I've got three new piece of artwork up and the comic I finally finished. What else was I going to say? Um... Well... I guess just have fun. And wish me luck. I'm going to another competition this Saturday. It's for BDP, yeah it's RO again, I'm such a nerd. Anyway, hopefully we do good. Have fun guys.

Happy new year! I'm sorry. I said that I would update a lot more, but I haven't yet. I got back from Vegas a couple of days ago so I'm kinda feeling lazy... And school's coming back so it's time to start cramming again. Yay! I updated under all of those conditions! Okay... Um... Why didn't anyone e-mail me for the 1111 hit pic? Oh well... next one is 1331. So what do I have for you peoples this time? Well, I have more artwork, a review, and a new page of questions [finally!]. Have fun. And I know before break ends I'll add some more artwork and a comic -- and hopefully one more review. But If I don't in time before berak, I will find time to. So this is where you get to go through the site. Have fun!

Happy Thanksgiving... even though that was yesterday... I'm sorry everyone. I haven't been able to update since the first day of school. But the good thing is I've got a lot of new artwork up and I think I've got some other new things around the site. Anyway if anyone cares I'll tell you how all my stress attacks turned out. For swim team it's not that big a deal anymore 'cause I don't have to go to the pool early for my brother's swim lessons. As for the armed drill team that I was trying out for, I got cut. So I bawled for the first couple of days but I realized that I wasn't good enough and if I had made it, I would've been a hazard to the team... Messing up is my specialty. Besides I'm on color guard so I'm happy, and I'm going to a comp on Dec. 15 so wish me luck. There's always next year right? Anyway, back to talk about this site... This site is a little slow right now, but please don't lose hope. Winter break is coming up and I'll have more than enough time to update more. In the meantime, please bear with me. Thank you so very much.

Gomen nasai! I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update anything this time. I just wnated to say sorry, I've just had a really rough time at school and adjusting. High school's tough, but it's even tougher when you've got to do stuff like swim team, trying out for drill team and a bunch of homework. And I'm doing this all by myself too. Anyway I'm trying really hard, but I can barely finish my homework let alone draw for the site. And now I've got this thing about making my Halloween costume and my friends are telling me to go ask this one guy out to homecoming... Ooi, that's too much for me to handle. Anyway I'll try to update as much as I can... Which if I'm lucky once a month, but I'll try for better. So sorry.

Sorry to make you wait so long. But here's the run down. I've got a new everything... Okay let's see... Some new artwork, of course, a comic [yay!], a new review [finally! but let me warn you it's pokemon...], and some questions. I guess that's why it took so long. Well, anyway, I guess that's cool. Anyway, I hope to be updating more frequently now, but with school starting up again, I'm not really sure >.< No worries though, it's my job to make you happy right? Well, I'll be back ^.^ Oh and one more thing. I've had a change of name. I'm now going by Hikyuu. Sorry if any of you get confused. Ahh... Today was the first day of high school! And to make matters worse, I'm a freshman... oi, I'll just have to work things out then. I'll update soon... Hopefully...

It's another artwork update... Grr... I need to work on the other things. Don't worry 'bout that though. I've got a friend working on some summaries for me and I'm working on two of them right now. I'll get them up... I hope. And I got another piece of gift art yesterday! Me happy!

I got new artwork... Actually I think that's the only thing that's being updated. I'm trying really hard on the reviews. Does anyone want to help me do some? I'd really appreciate the help. Oh and I got my first gift art! Thank you Kitty KT! Me like, me like.

Heh, new artwork and some new questions. I got your request up Kitty! And I can't wait til I see your pic of me.

Okay, I'm getting tired of having a major update every month so I'm just going to update each section as much as I can as soon as I can. So this time I have 5 artwork pieces. I also have a flash movie that's in the comics section... Yeah I know that it's not a real comic, but I did draw it... And you do have to read it... It's a comic to me.

I just wanted to say first my iGuestBook got reset when my computer timed out so if you would ever be so kind, can you guys sign it? Also there is new artwork, new questions, and a review. Sorry everyone had to wait so long...

Anime + Art = Entertainment, or so it was formerly known, has now been reborn into Celestial Anime. I advise you to click on the overview button if you're new to this site. There's not much to say but, welcome to Celestial Anime.
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