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Kari and Gatomon
Title: Kari and Gatomon
Description: Um... Yea Gatomon looks like she's picking at Kari or something. hehe...
How: Looked off a picture
Artist: Hikyuu
Age: 15
Date: July 2002
Site/Contact: Celestial Anime
TK and Patamon
Title: TK and Patamon
Description: I couldn't get all the right colors so I tried to do what I could.
How: Looked off a picture
Artist: Hikyuu
Age: 15
Date: July 2002
Site/Contact: Celestial Anime
Title: Alone
Description: I was looking through my stationary and I found this and I was like wow I gotta draw this.. I had a lil help from my cousin 'cause the hair confused me a lil bit
How: Looked off a picture
Artist: Hikyuu and Son
Age: 15 and 18
Date: October 2002
Site/Contact: Celestial Anime
Title: Sanoshi
Description: It's a gift of Sanoshi ^_^ OoO tough girl ne? hehe
How: By mind (from mind)
Artist: Hikyuu
Age: 16
Date: May 2003
Site/Contact: Celestial Anime
Title: Hikyuu
Description: Aww it's me, cute ne? ^_^
How: By mind (from mind)
Artist: Sanoshi
Age: 15
Date: May 2003
Site/Contact: Duo's Gundam Base
Title: Fans
Description: Got bored in class and doodled. Kind of got the idea from the other fan picture I drew a while ago.
How: By mind (from mind)
Artist: Hikyuu
Age: 16
Date: May 2003
Site/Contact: Celestial Anime

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