Hel-lo everybody!


My name is Celeste Chong. Let me briefly introduce myself. I am 22 years old this year. I am currently in my 3rd year at NTU in the school of communication studies. I don't really have any hobbies - unless you consider drinking and gambling to be hobbies. :) Singapore being a pretty boring place has turned me into a somewhat boring person. *sigh* What do I do in my free time? Hang out at Holland Village (yes- Drinking!), watch movies and very occassionally go clubbing @ zouk.

Since this is my first attempt at using the computer for purposes other than typing my essays (Microsoft Word), the standard of my homepage, well... don't be expecting too much.

BUT, with time and more skills learned over time (just got meself "Teach yourself macromedia Dreamweaver3 in 24 hours" - tho' I suspect I will most likely need much more time!), I am confident of turning this into something worthy of an award. YEAH!

Ok for the 4 of you (you know who you are) who have been faithful visitors of this site, I've decided to buck up and start updating the site. BUT, my Photoshop program isn't really working too well so I can't really do much for now. I suspect it might be due to the fact that I have insufficient ram. So, I intend to go get myself some extra ram and hopefully by then my silly computer will stop giving me any more problems. Hopefully the site will be better and more exciting (I'll try!) by the end of May.



New Year's Eve 2001

Gareth's 21st bday pics

Pics from Gareth-Khng-Weiping's holiday

KL Pics

PotLuck Pics

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