Journal - The Wait
May - June 2002
5/1/02 - Happy May 1st!!  Ok, it's been a few weeks since my last update so let's' see what has happened. 
On April 14th I attended an educational seminar on the health of adopted Chinese children.  It was very good and best of all, it confirmed my choice of pediatrician.  So that is one more thing that I can mark off of my list.  I had met up with David and Tracee beforehand and we had lunch at Lonestar where I happily polished off a steak.  
On April 21st I passed another major milestone - the wallpaper is now completely off of the baby room -- along with part of the wall.  Time to find someone who can plaster.  I also decided to follow my original choice and paint the baby walls coral, I know - a bold statement and potentially too dark for such a small room (7'x8') but I'm doing it anyway (I can always re-paint).  So the room will be coral with white trim.  Yeah!!!
On April 27th, I went to the symphony to listen to Mozart's Requiem.  I love that piece of music and I figured that next year at this time it won't be so easy to go to the symphony.  On May 7th, I'll be going to the symphony again - this time to listen to Yitzhak Perlman play a Mendelsohn violin concerto.  Gotta get that culture now before my music repertoire is limited to the Wiggles and Raffi.
And now today, May 1st:  Big day today - I was able to meet with a contractor regarding the plastering.  He is going to give me a bid on that.  Well, actually I'm getting a bid on almost every project I have left to do (plaster, paint, and install two ceiling fans) - now before you think I'm really lazy about the ceiling fans - I have no junction boxes so I need those installed.  Then I toured my first choice daycare facility.  I felt really good about the place - the children were very happy and the director seemed to know all their names.  It's expensive and I don't know if I'll be able to ge in right away but we'll see.
5/8/02 - Well, I bought another piece of furniture for the nursery - the dresser.  This is a piece that I've been debating on - to buy a nice piece of furniture or to buy a used dresser, or to buy something functional and cheaper.  Well, I gave in and decided to purchase something nice.  Hopefully this item can be used for many years and will have many different functions over its life.  I've posted a picture below of the dresser (I didn't get the mirror and my dresser will have a slightly lighter finish).  I went to the symphony again last night to hear Yitzhak Perlman play Mendelsohn's Violin Concerto in E-minor.  He plays with such passion that he just pulls you in.  I absolutely loved it!  This weekend is mother's day - hopefully my last one before my daughter arrives.  I'm going down to Richmond to celebrate it with my Mutti and am looking forward to seeing her, my father and my sister.
Here is the dresser in all its glory.
6/12/02 - So, have you all been wondering when I would FINALLY update this website??  Well, here you go - what I've been doing for the last month and 4 days and what I plan to do through the end of the month.  Gymboree came out with a Ladybug line of clothing.  I have problems going to Gymboree and not buying something as it is so I had to ban myself from the store or I new I'd spend ridiculous amounts of money buying up the whole line!  So what did I do?  I sent my mother (soon-to-be grandmother) to Gymboree in my stead thinking she'd have more willpower.  For those who don't know, ladybugs are a good luck symbol for those waiting for referrals from China.  The sight of a ladybug means that referrals are on their way for somebody!  Well, I miscalculated on the willpower of my mother.  My daughter now has a lot of cute outfits - luckily she bought in multiple sizes (12m - 3T).  Then I went off to Las Vegas for the last week of May for a conference with a bunch of CPAs.   CPAs go to conferences to learn - not to have fun- so I was attending different workshops each day and really didn't
have a lot of time to go out and have fun.  But we stayed at the Bellagio (ooh la la) and I did get to see the fountain show.  I also walked through a couple of the other hotels and decided that Las Vegas would definitely make a great short vacation at some point.  Then June arrived and with it finally some warm air (as I type, I'm sitting in quite a muggy house so I'm regretting somewhat my wish for warmer weather).  I successfully found a daycare for my daughter that was willing to hold a spot for her until she arrived.  It is called Interplay and is only about 1.5 miles from my house.  So that was a big stress reliever.  This past weekend my sister zipped into town and we manically tried to fit several days of entertainment into one day.  We had a very good time.  This coming weekend I will have another visitor - another adoptive mom-to-be with an October DTC date.  Who knows what trouble we'll get into!  And then, at the end of the month I'll be heading to Ann Arbor to attend an executive ed class at the University of Michigan.  Two of my college friends, Barbara and Richard, live in Ann Arbor so I'm hoping to hook up with them.  That's all for now....
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