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Hi! My name is Dave, and I help with aaaaalllllllll the felting around here. I inspect every purse for softness (wet or dry). I make sure the beads are hanging down evenly, (they need a little batting around sometimes), and I inspect all the handles by pulling them out of the sink. (I try to sneak off with them - they make an excellent pull toy - but I get caught every time.
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Since Dave loves to lay on all my knitting and felting - wet or dry - I decided to make him a Kitty Pi bed from the pattern by Wendy Johnson .
Top left - I have it half knitted and he crawled onto it as soon as I set it down.
Top right - after the knitting was complete, I put it down on the floor and he crawled into it instantly.
Right - after felting, I squeezed out the excess water and tried to get the bed into shape. Dave crawled into it again - it's sopping wet! We finally stretched it over a garbage can cover and hung it in the basement to dry.
Bottom - After drying I placed the bed on this coffee table. Dave hopped up into it, layed down and rolled over as if to say, "I like it alo-ot." (Jim Carrey style
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