Blodgett Peak, hiking, Colorado Springs, etc. related links

Some other Blodgett Peak sites:

Take a look at more Blodgett Peak area pictures.

In my photo album you can find all the pictures that I've taken of Blodgett Peak, the surrounding area, some snowshoeing pictures, and 14er pictures.

Sign the Blodgett Peak Log

If you have climbed Blodgett Peak and want to sign in permanentely (instead of having the list at the top blow away every few months) please click above! Also look for the Almagre Mountain, and Ormes Peak pages.

History Page

A USAFA history page with an article by Marian M. McDonough mentioning the Blodgett Ranch and family. If you don't want to read the whole article navigate to my own history page which can be linked to from the main page, or the above pull down menu.

Other hiking sites of interest:


Two guys from Colorado had the idea, and developed the above site. On ePeakRegister you can sign your name to a variety of peaks all across the world so it will be in cyberspace forever. You can find my name on 12 Colorado 14er's, and on Medicine Bow Peak in Wyoming.

If you like looking a topographical maps, this is the site for you.

Peregrine, Colorado Springs links:


Wouldn't it be great if you could live right next to Blodgett Peak, or in Colorado Springs? John Tighe, and the Tighe Team can help you with all of your Colorado Springs home and real estate needs, as well as provide useful information, and links for current Peregrine neighbors.

Pikes Peak Cam

No, I don't have a Blodgett Peak cam (yet), so this is the next closest (and best) cam around. Check out the Pikes Peak Cam from the top of the Softronics building. Also, go to the submitted images page and you can find two of my pictures there!

Colorado Springs (I-25) Traffic Cams

Think I-25 is backed up (yeah, stupid question), check to see before you leave on the KOAA Colorado Springs I-25 traffic cams.

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