Meet Buggs. She is our 12 year old corgi mix. We were very lucky to find her waiting for us at our local League for Animal Welfare when she was about 6 weeks old. How could someone not have wanted her? Buggs is the perfect example of why you never give someone who is not prepared in advance a puppy for a present. So we received the gift and she has been the boss of all bosses around here ever since. Her name is actually Buggs Roscoe Lee Jeremiah Whojohowitz Saskachewitz Leroy Brown. Only my son who was 12 at the time can tell you why. He just kept adding to her moniker. She wasn't really fond of Giggles in the beginning. Buggs is slowing down and not always ready to play. It didn't take Giggles long to realize when Buggs was serious and when she could talk her into a game of tag. Feeding time is really fun with these two. Giggles gets puppy food and Buggs doesn' of course that is the dish Buggs wants. Buggs is our adult puppy. Her vision is no longer what it once was but the only real difference that I see is that she is not as good at catching French fries in mid air. Buggs lived to be 16 years old. I am sure that she has gone to the bridge and is waiting patiently for and the rest of the gang.

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