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On behalf of everyone involved in the Cretin-Derham Hall Empty Bowls Event, we thank you for any help you can give.

~Empty Bowls Organizers

Heifer Logo

Heifer International And Empty Bowls

Hiefer International is an organization committed to improving quality of life and reducing world hunger. Since the beginning of the CDH Empty Bowls event, all proceeds have gone to this organization which gives animals to impoverished families all over the world. We were even lucky enough to have a Heifer representative present at our last event along with a llama, a very common gift given by Heifer®.

For more information on Heifer International® please see the link to their website on the navigation bar.


10,000 Villages Logo

Ten Thousand Villages and Empty Bowls

Ten Thousand Villages is an organization set up to promote fair trade across the globe while raising awarnes for fair trade. This organization has been present at the Empty Bowls event at Cretin-Derham Hall for a few years now and have made an impression. They bring a variety of not only promotional material but of some of the fairly traded goods as well, which are available for purchase during the meals.

For more information on fair trade or Ten thousand Villages® please see the navigation panel to the left.


Relay For Life

This last event, on April 5th, we were pleased to host a new organization, this time to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. The Relay for Life campaign by the American Cancer Society® is an event in which participants walk in a realy with their temmeates for 12 hours to raise funds and awareness for cancer research. Their event this July went very well and included many students from Cretin-Derham Hall who heard about it through their cooperation with the Empty Bowls event.

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