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CDh Empty Bowls Logo

On behalf of everyone involved in the Cretin-Derham Hall Empty Bowls Event, we thank you for any help you can give.

~Empty Bowls Organizers

2007 Event a Success!

CDH On March 28th, 2007 Cretin-Derham Hall High School hosted its 5th annual Empty Bowls event. The event was put into the hands of two ladies, Rachel and Elizabeth, who took over the organization and planning after the original Empty Bowls coordinators graduated in 2005. The event had possibly the biggest turnout in the history of the event at Cretin-Derham Hall and raised well over $7,000. This year's donations brought the total amount of donations to over $30,000. This money has gone to Heifer International, and has helped them to provide impoverished families across the globe with a source of income and food.

2008 Event Planned For Next Spring

The Empty Bowls event for 2008 has its day picked out and we invite you to join us for the meal. The event itself will be held on:

April 9th, 2008 in the Auxiliary Gymnasium at Cretin-Derham Hall. Lunch will be available to the students at their lunch times and the times for other are as follows:

Lunch: 11am- 2pm Dinner: 4pm- 7pm

How can I help if I am not a student? The Cretin-Derham Hall Empty Bowls Event appreciates any and all help you can give to support our efforts. Any donations of soup and money are greatly appreciated as well as volunteers for the lunch and dinner times.

How can I help if I AM a student? If you are a student interested in helping with either the day of or pre-event preparations, notices will go out on the message board and announcements will be made before Christmas for a volunteer meeting where you can sign up.
Bread and Soup donations... All of our soup and bread donations come from generous restaraunts and individuals in the Twin Cities. If you are interested in helping through food donations, contact us via email with how you would like to contribute. Silent Auction.... A part of the Empty Bowls Event is a silent auction held during the meal times and features many different things. If you would like to donate an item such as a piece of ceramic work or find out what you could donate, please contact the organizers to find out what they could use.
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