There are so many sites that treat crochet as an add-on to their site. This site is totally for the exploration of crochet.

It was created for those of us that take the belief that we are studying the art, called Crochet.

Our exploration will take many forms.
Much of what will be on these pages are the elements we will need to crochet. Hopefully inspiration strikes you as you explore this site.

In the following pages
let's explore:


(don't get hooked on just one)


(and not so Fiber)

Yarn Knowledge

(the ever winding trail)

Interaction of Hook and Yarn

(verses reaction)


(more is less)

Crochet Expressionism

(We are all VanGoghs)
Welcome crochet artist
Let Our Journey Begin Here:
All about hooks
Fiber Knowledge 1
Fiber Knowledge 2
My web page of completed designs
This is an Antimacassar
[email protected]
Get hooked on the winding road for a lifetime of learning.
Fiber Knowledge 3
Classes of Yarn
Inspirational and Teaching Books
Color 2
   I do not profess to be a professional crocheter. I do not profess to be an expert on crocheting.

  I am just like you, a lover of crochet. I have crocheted for about 25 years, never putting it down for family or friends. Nor have I crocheted expressly for family or friends until recently.
I crochet because I love the art form. I express myself through it. I am inspired through color texture and style.

  I am a utilitarian crocheter. I see something I want to attempt in crochet and I do it. I like to work without patterns but when I see something that is all ready a pattern I try it.

  I, like you collect patterns too and crochet books. I keep them in a closet and elsewhere
What are you doing to keep the crochet door open?

I am asking this question because crocheting is experiencing a resurgence of interest. I don't like to say retro because that means crocheting the items from previous times. We are crocheting for here and now.

Much of the thread crochet is classic. It is timeless pieces that are heirlooms for family and friends. Crochet is so infused in our culture that we overlook it. Almost every movie that shows a comfy living room has a crocheted afghan placed over the back of the couch. More often than not every outside winter scene has a crocheted hat, gloves or mittens.
My pictures of crochet related items
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