Ice Climbing in the United States Rockies
Ice climbing in Colorado, is fairly easy due to the access, has a fair amount of pretty quality climbs in a geographically small location, and has a diverse range of types and grades of climbs. The only down side is the popularity.

Some fairly nice places that I have visited and climbs that I would suggest are.

Vail: Great climbs that are fairly technical such as the Fang (to the right WI5/6), Secret Probation (M7; WI5 when I did it), Spiral Staircase (WI3 but chopped due to the traffic)

Redstone: A cute town with a few good climbs such as Avacado Gully (WI3), the two pitch Drool (WI5,WI4 as shown below)
Redstone Pillar (WI4)

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Rifle: Is mostly fairly difficult ice climbing (in the WI5 to 6 rage but all the climbs are of very high quality) and when I have been there its been quiet.

Ouray The ice park is crowded but has some good stuff, like Tangled up in Blue (WI3+/5, see picture to the right), and the Lead only Area. Also the surrounding are wonderful with Camp Bird Road with Slippery when Wet (WI4/5 M5; WI4 M4/5ish when I did it) Choppos Chimney (WI4/5)
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