Bach Flower Essenses

Sue Denton
(208) 755-6901

Sue is an ordained minister of the Essene Healing Ministries of the Sevenfold Peace, a Bach Foundation Registed Practitioner and a Reiki Practitioner.  Sue works with individuals and groups who seek guidance and support in healing.  Her teachings include what she has successfully used in her own healing work for over 25 years.  Working with the Bach Flower Essences and Reiki, as well as rebirthing and spiritual counseling, Sue supports those dealing with grief and loss, abuse and general life issues. 

Bach Flower Essences are a vibrational type of healing modality similar to homeopathics, which are directed at the personality, mood and emotional outlook of an individual.  Flower essences are selected to address a person's current state of mind, emotions or temperament, transforming the negative state into the positive state. The flower essences interact with the subtle energy system of the person's body, restoring balance at the mental, emotional and spiritual level, thus facilitating the body's own ability to maintain health and heal.  The flower essences are gentle, safe, non-addictive and also work effectively with other healing modalities.

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