

Chiropractic: A healing art which focuses on your body's own innate ability to maintain health and vitality.  Analysis and specific adjustments to the spine assure optimum functioning of the nervous system. 

Homeopathy: A system of medicine based on the "law of similars": Like cures like. Specially prepared dilutions of substances are carefully matched to the patient and the symptoms to stimulate the body's innate ability to heal itself.

Hydrotherapy: Refers to the therapeutic use of water in any of its various forms (hot, cold, steam, ice, etc.). May include the use of sea water or salts, mineral salts, baths, showers, and underwater massage, to help facilitate healing and wellness.



Sacro Occipital Technic (SOT): A Chiropractic adjusting technique which focuses on the important interrelationship between the sacroiliac joints at the base of your spine, and the bones of the cranium (skull). Gentle adjustments to the sacroiliac joints, spinal vertebrae and cranium assure optimum functioning of your "innernet"-the sophisticated web of intelligence consisting of your brain, spinal cord and nervous system.

Bio Geometric Integration (BGI): A gentle and precise Chiropratic technique which corrects patterns of disharmony in the sacred geometry of the body to release stored potential and maximize your human potwntial and life expression.

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