July 12, 2000          Volume 1, Issue 2
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           Water Therapy
                           by Cathy Kraus, LMT

The use of water as a natural medicine is older than history.  The wonderful healing and restorative properties of water can greatly contribute to one's good health and well-being.  Spa use goes back as far as the Romans who made water therapy part of their daily life.  Indeed, Hippocrates, the "Father " of medicine, wrote , "the way to health is through an aromatic bath and scented massage every day." 
The use of water therapy in its many forms--water, ice, steam--is a system of natural healing that uses the body's physiological response to water to help prevent, correct  and treat a wide range of health issues.  Many times, water therapy such as a pool is the only treatment some conditions can tolerate. Hydrotherapy was an essential part of treatment during the polio epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s. 
Even when we are healthy, most of us have enjoyed the wonderful feeling of freedom and bouyancy that water allows.  When combined with essential oils for aromatherapy, mineral salts for detoxifying, and other natural additives such as sea kelp, the results can be profound.  Water works with the skin, our largest organ, to help the body absorb nutrients and dissolve and discard waste products, leading to better health.  While we may not be able to partake of a daily "spa" as the Romans did, I am hoping some of you will want to include these therapies in your own wellness program.  Please call if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for an aromatherapy bath and massage.

Cathy Kraus, Licensed Massage Therapist
Bodywork Associates-Mullan Professional Bldg.
212 S. 11th St. Suite 2    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho

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                  NEUROFEEDBACK--What is it, and what can it do?
                                 By John Hyatt

At the
High Performance Shop, we specialize in neurological testing and evaluation.  We also provide Neurofeedback and many other therapies to help children and adults correct the problems they may have and to help people perform at their highest ability possible.  The High Performance Shop is helping people to correct learning disabilities, behavioral, emotional and neurological disorders.  It also helps those wanting to boost their concentration, memory and to think faster.  All of the treatments are drug free. 
We use the latest in neurological technology that has been proven to be the best in non-invasive testing and treatment.  Neurofeedback is brain-directed, computer assisted training therapy that actually strengthens the brain while building needed neuro-pathways.  Our testing determines if the brain has areas of weakness,  Neurofeedback strengthens those areas so a person can perform in life at their very best.  Studies prove it can actually increase IQs by up to 23 points.  The results of our therapies provide each with the ability to gain control of their behaviors, emotions and life, which was not previously possible. 
Here is a list of disorders that we can correct or greatly help.  They include:  agression and anger, ADD (attention deficit disorder), hyperactivity, learning disabilities, depression, dyslexia, insomnia, sleep apnea, bed wetting, difficulty with reading and spelling, reading comprehension and math, minor traumatic brain injuries, strokes, anxiety and panic attacks, PMS, seizures, migraine and tension headaches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, poor memory and concentration, autism, poor self-image, bi-polar disorder, motion sickness, awkwardness, such as lack of coordination and balance, and many other neurologically based disorders. 
Should you have any questions about correcting learning disabilities, behavioral, emotional and neurological disorders or to schedule an appointment, please contact:
John Hyatt at
The High Performance Shop

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          By Barbara Boss, Ph.D., L.Ac.           (208)

This is the second article on the use of common kitchen spices to aid healing.  As a note of explanation, for this series on medicinal spices, we are utilizing knowledge from many different cultures, not strictly Chinese. In the future, however, this column will be focusing on the traditional Chinese way of using the kitchen for healing purposes. Now, let us continue by discussing spices that can aid arthritic pain and swelling.

The majority of of herbal remedies for arthritic pain are used topically, but one spice can be taken internally, and that is
cayenne. One quarter teaspoon of cayenne can be ingested three times per day for this condition and many others.  It is tolerated quite well by the body!  Externally, one can apply oil of bay, cayenne tincture, oil of garlic, a ginger solution, or marjorum solution.  To prepare oil of bay, heat a few bay leaves in a little olive oil.  When using cayenne tincture, rub a little over the inflamed joint and wrap red flannel around it.  Keep in place ovenight.  To make a ginger solution, simmer 5 ounces of grated ginger in two quarts of water for ten minutes.  After straining, soak a cloth in the solution and apply to the affected area.  Keep changing the cloth to maintain a constant warmth on the skin.  The area will redden as the blood circulation increases.  Cayenne tinture can also be applied to a toothache, as can oil of marjorum.  Cloves can simply be chewed to relieve the pain of a toothache, or oil of cloves can be rubbed into the gums. 

The Way of Herbs by Michael Tierra L.Ac.,O.M.D. (1998)

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