Janis Carmack



A Wasted Life

The Author:
Thank you for the opportunity to be a member of this circle of friends.  I have a husband who teaches math at a private Christian school in Valley, AL.  I have a 17-year-old daughter who will be studying nursing and missionary work.  I am a secretary at Auburn University in Auburn, AL 
and am working on a degree in social work.  Christ is an important part of my life and I feel thankful that He has blessed me with the gift of poetry. 

Thanks to each and everyone of you for your kindness and may Christ 
continue to bless your lives.




As you don your clothes of somber hue
In varying shades of black and blue
Do you walk down the aisle to one last time
Behold the face of a wasted life?
There was so much that should have been done
Fame and fortune to be won
Could have been part of the winning team
Not thrown away on foolish dreams--
Helping life's losers instead.
But Christ placed His hand on my prideful heart
And through His eyes new wisdom did impart.
Said you know they are important too.
I suffered for them as I did for you--
For I'm the Best Great God of the Second Chance.
So as you pass on by for one last glance
May you view anew with His wisdom and light
And no more see a wasted life.


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