(after works by Cezanne)

I would rather chew the round plush
Of the peach (one has fallen off
The plate) than the red violence of the cherries
(centered on the white plate, which crushes
a white cloth).
                       But Cezanne was right about the jar -
Cool green and smooth with yellow mouth,
Like a fish, shining and gaping - unable
to eat either cherry or peach.

The point of the painting is space
Where there are only smudges of black
Paint, filling it - next to the warms
And the greens. It is the without
That asks for possibility. Or
Has it been filled? And now will only stand,
Framed, rested, gorged, not empty
At all, but a thing complete.

What to say of those bathers? Sumptuous
Flesh, round arms, breasts,
Thighs, yellow hues and pink.
The trees are lazy and long, stretching
Past the round skin bathers and the round
White clouds and the blue energetic sky.
The women are warm and the ground is warm -
The water, invisible behind their naked forms,
But it must be as cool as the sky.

Monte Sainte-Victoire has not
Come or gone - is not
Leaving or approaching - the white shards
(spaces of what is lost or late) hang
Upon its surface and speckle the houses
And the trees below, increasing at the bottom,
Fading out or fading in.

The chestnut trees are dancing.
Their long thin multitude of arms
Bow and bend and hesitate
Within the stroke of the brush
Caught stretching towards
Each other, the sky.
Mont Saint-Victoire watches
Behind them, behind hills
And the soft green grass
At their feet.

He is watching the card players,
That man with the white pipe,
Lidded eyes looking down.
There are four pipes on the wall, with the mouths
Black and open, and one on the table
Where the three men are bent,
Hunched, silennt, intent on their hands.
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