Line of Death!

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The Line of Death Game

Bored with regular Sollog Lotto and want a new challenge? Do you have an atlas and some coloured crayons? Great!

Let's play Line of Death lotto!

  1. Draw a couple of arbitrary lines in crayon on a map, preferably between a couple of cities and passing through some population centres (this is important). These are your Lines of Death!
  2. Whenever a significant event happens somewhere along the line, scream DIRECT HIT and mark it on the map!
  3. If some particularly gruesome headline event almost but doesn't quite fall on the line, adjust your line and pretend it was always like that! A DIRECT HIT!
  4. Ignore events that do not fall on the line or create a new Line of Death to cover it! A DIRECT HIT!
  5. Do your contrived Lines of Death cross each other? Great, then loudly scream that they form an XTIAN (Christian) CROSS or a PENTAGRAM and that all events along it are SATANIC RITUALS. A DIRECT HIT!

For added authenticity use a bizarre map projection so that the lines that look 'straight' on your map would actually be some bizarre curve if plotted out on the surface of the Earth.

Need some maps?

Now see the master at work!

The "Line of Sollog" or the "Line of Tragedy"

A favourite of his is an "exact line" running "from Miami through Oklahoma City through south of Seattle" (latest description). School shootings happen "exactly" on this line as do other events. He cites all manner of events happening on the line such as:

  1. Salt Lake City - Elizabeth Smart "Sacrifice"
  2. Boulder Colorado - Jon Benet Ramsey "Sacrifice"
  3. Oklahoma City Bombing
  4. Miami
  5. Pearl Mississippi - School Shooting
  6. Littleton, Colorado - Columbine school shooting
  7. Springfield, Oregon - School shooting

Note that this "exact line" is always changing it's position. Let's check this initial line first:

A 'line' which isn't

Click the picture to see how "exact" these events really are. Only C & D (the points that describe the line) are on it and others are miles away. So much for being exact! This is the best he can do even when his line runs close to several cities.

One might also ask why Sollog decided why thousands of murders, abductions, crashes, shootings and other incidents that occur annually do not qualify for his "line of tragedy". Perhaps because they happen nowhere near the line. Garbage in, garbage out as they say.

Sollog likes to move the line around to match the latest tragedy, for example it used to be a straight line between Seattle and Miami and other times it moves around even more for example connecting Springfield, Oregon, Aspen, Oklahoma City & Miami - an impressive feat seeing as they don't connect in a straight line. By now this single "line of tragedy" exists in so many forms that taken together it would carve a several hundred mile wide gouge across the US!

A line which doesn't go through a volcano

Click the picture so how badly it goes when Sollog tried to extend this "line" to include a volcanic eruption on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. Unfortunately it is impossible to make all the points fall on the same line.

Pictures were taken using Encarta Atlas using the measure tool that connects points with the shortest path around the curvature of the Earth. Who knows what screwed up map projection Sollog is using to get his.

The "Line of Tragedy of 2004" !

Why does 2004 have it's own line? Who knows, but it might have something to do with Sollog feverishly trying to postdict two quakes. Anyway, this line stretches from Hiroshima to LA

Apparently it also runs through:

A line that makes a severe change of direction

Click the picture to see how this EXACT line seems to have a rather severe kink in the middle of it. And that's without even drawing the Morocco to LA part!

More Lines!

Sollog sure loves his lines, which are even worse.

A line that falls nowhere near Gujarat

Click the picture for another utterly ludicrous claim. A major quake in Gujarat, India falls on a line between Jerusalem and the Solomon Islands (capital Honiara). Sollog is out by 1000 kilometers! Now see Sollog's terrible map (yes it was really this size in the article!), from the original article (check out those tasteful links at the bottom too!)

A line that misses Atlantic City by a long way

Click the picture to see how Atlantic City isn't on a line connecting Miami and Boston! This 'prediction' contains several other lines which are of equal caliber.

Tigger shows us how

The great master Sollog taught Tigger how to draw his lines of death. See for yourself how uncannily accurate he is!

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