Notes: The above page was created entirely in Fireworks. In fact, it's the result of Fireworks' two tutorials. The upshot is that creating a graphically challenging Web page is very easy using Fireworks tools without ever touching HTML. Additionally, Fireworks HTML pages load into Dreamweaver directly, or the specific components can be exported, and then each can be imported into a Dreamweaver HTML page. In other words, Dreamweaver and Fireworks get along very well.

There is a negative to all this. If you view the source code you'll see that Fireworks has created lots of spacer graphics, which do add to the download time. I was especially dismayed to see the giant 674x40 white GIF in the last cell of the table (the one immediately above this one). I'm not sure there's a point to that. Also, it could have been a single pixel stretched to 674x40, so the same graphic could have been used as a spacer throughout the document.

Of special interest is the Javascript menu flying out from 'Worldwide Airports.' This was ridiculously easy to create, and modify, and works exceptionally well. The upside of using the Fireworks version, is that changing it is so easy. Also, it's based on Gary Smith's Javascript menu code, which I like anyway, and that I've referenced from the home page.

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