
Parallelism, euclidean and non euclidean geometry.

When I present the idea of parallelism to my pupils I proceed in such a way:

if, from P, I wish to draw stright lines not meeting r, although I don't know if it will be possible because I don't know what happen at an infinite distance, I can use two different ways:

1) increasing the value of angle QPR, fixed segment PQ;
2) increasing the value of PQ, fixed the value of angle QPR
or, obviously 1) and 2) together.
I say that usually we choose QPR=90� as angle of parallelism (euclidean geometry); so doing we automatically esclude the second possibility and parallelism is related only to angles created by PQ, QR and PR and not to the distance from P and r.
In such a way there is also one and only one parallel in P to r.
But it is better to remark that it is possible to proceed with different choices (non euclidean geometry):
1) there are no parallel in P to r;
2) there are infinite straight lines in P not meeting r and the angle of parallelism is related to the distance.
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